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Build 1623: Sort By changes to "None" after restarting Daminion


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When you close the Daminion client and start it again, you will see the same "view" like before closing the program. In Build 1623 I noticed a somewhat different behavior. even though I see the same search result set as before, the "Sort By" option always reverts to "None" Before shutting down Daminion, it was "Creation Datetime".

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was guessing that ... nea.gif


I'd rather wait a little longer until the application opens (or better: see a dialog saying something similar to "The last view before closing the catalog contained many items. Do you want to continue or show an empty or unsorted thumbnail view?"), than spending more time searching for a missing item until I remember to set the "Sort By" option as it was before.


Btw, I would also prefer the "Sort By" clause to be part of the Saved Searches.

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thanks for the information. But I don't understand it. At the moment (sorting: None) the catalog is loaded "as it is" on the database item by item and this is the view in the Browser Window. And yes this should be faster than an additional sort before showing the items.

But now I have to sort the items e.g. by Creation DateTime. At the end it should take the same time (load and sort) before I can continue.

Where is the advantage for me - the user?

Regards, Uwe

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  On 4/28/2017 at 10:00 AM, Uwe said:
At the end it should take the same time (load and sort) before I can continue

Not only the same time, but even more: Since I tend to forget, I have to select a sort criteria, the time to search for "missing" items comes in addition.


In my opinion the option Sort By = "None" makes only sense (if it does at all), when the result set is small enough to fit all found items on the same page.


I would be happy to see an empty thumbnail window after starting Daminion, but when I decide to open a previously shown view, I prefer it to be shown in the same sequence, as it did before.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  On 7/27/2017 at 1:19 AM, ShadeWalker said:
... a bit of a pain..


... not "a bit" it is rather "a big pain in the b...". ireful3.gif I don't know how many times I start Daminion, wondering and searching why a certain item is not in the place I expect it to be, until I remember setting the Sort By again ....


Besides that, I noticed, sometimes when starting the Daminion standalone client it opens the same view as it was, when was closed (with Sort By = None) and other times it shows all items in the catalog. So far, I could not find out, what triggers it.


Also, when I use more then one catalog, then close the "Test-catalog" and keep the "Main-catalog" open until ending Daminion. Then after restarting, it opens the "Test-catalog" when I expect it to open the most recently used one.

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  On 7/27/2017 at 7:40 AM, Wilfried said:

Also, when I use more then one catalog, then close the "Test-catalog" and keep the "Main-catalog" open until ending Daminion. Then after restarting, it opens the "Test-catalog" when I expect it to open the most recently used one.



my impression is: the last opened catalog is opened when the client starts.

E.g. open "main catalog", then open "test catalog"->close the client and restart->"test catalog" is opend.


Regards the sort: the current status is not user friendly. I also have to check where is the item I expect on the page - oooooohhhh sorting:none - change sort to "Creation DateTime"

Regards, Uwe

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  On 4/28/2017 at 9:17 AM, Daria said:

Hi guys,


just checked our Redmine and saw Alex's feedback on this issue. He claims that with the sort setting in place, the time of loading big catalogs significantly increases. He reverted the setting to None on purpose, until they fix that issue with loading.






I don't see how the app opening the catalog and then applying the last sort is significantly slower than the alternative. Yes it will be slower in system terms than opening with no sort, but its still a lot quicker than the time it takes for me to:


a) Realise there's no sort

b) Remember what my last sort was

c) Select and apply the settings








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  On 7/27/2017 at 7:59 AM, Uwe said:
my impression is: the last opened catalog is opened when the client starts.




In other words: the last catalog the user did open (even this was closed immediately) and not the one which was open at the time when Daminion closed. So, if I uses Damion the whole day using my main catalog, open briefly the "Test catalog" and close it again, next day the "Test Catalog" will open and I have also a situation not seeing, what I expect to see ...

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  • 2 weeks later...



I don't want to have to set the "sort by" to datasetname every time Daminion starts. At 99 percent of the launches I need the sort by datasetname.


Therefore, please expand the settings for this selection:

  • Sort (last)
  • No sorting



This is usability, a very important quality feature


Thank you Daminion-Team in advance for the change.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I don't understand why handling big catalogs is an issue.


The time it takes to sort the catalog must be the same whether it is done automatically or manually. The difference is that if I want a particular sort by default, I have to re-sort it every time. This adds an unnecessary action, and annoys the user.


Why is satisfying a user a low priority please?



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