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Daminion 1608 suddenly stops update NEF files.


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I have Daminion server 1608 which i've bought previously, maintenance period has espired.

I am using it for home, to maintain family picture album, i am the one user only. Catalog is around 90K pictures.

Suddenly I have noticed tags are not writing to .NEF files anymore. There are no any error messages, from Daminion interface seems like everything is ok, but from others program (for example: adobe lightroom, synology photostation) i did not see any tags there.

Files .JPG are updated correctly.


Here is my preferences -> writing metadata screenshot: Capture2.PNG


What could I do to fix the problem?


P.S. another problem happened on the same time - Daminion stops rotate nef files according to sensor in the camera, see screenshot: Capture3.PNG

It may be related to the first problem, or not, but i have noticed both of them on the same time.

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I have Daminion server 1608 which i've bought previously, maintenance period has espired.

I am using it for home, to maintain family picture album, i am the one user only. Catalog is around 90K pictures.

Suddenly I have noticed tags are not writing to .NEF files anymore. There are no any error messages, from Daminion interface seems like everything is ok, but from others program (for example: adobe lightroom, synology photostation) i did not see any tags there.

Files .JPG are updated correctly.


What could I do to fix the problem?



The problem was the because folder name has russian letters, renamed the folder and files are updating now.

Are there any setting to enable russian language support? Updating JPG were ok even in folder with russian letters.

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Hi Serge,


In the latest 1693 build, metadata of NEF files are updating no matter what folder they are located in: a folder named in Russian or in English.


However, I caught another bug with metadata writing procees in this build: the Place tag is not written automatically. One can only save it to file's metadata manually (no dependencies on file format). I've already registred this bug. #4611




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However, I caught another bug with metadata writing procees in this build: the Place tag is not written automatically. One can only save it to file's metadata manually (no dependencies on file format). I've already registred this bug. #4611

Hello Daria,

this bug is also existing in the 1682 build. I noticed it yesterday but didn't have the time to double-check it until today.

regards, Uwe

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Hi Daria,


what do you mean that the Place tag is not written automatically? If I update the Properties pane and click save, does it then update or do I need to issue a separate write tags to file? What if I drag the image into a place in the tags pane? Is there a way to check/compare the tags written into the image and the tag values in the database?



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If I update the Properties pane and click save, does it then update or do I need to issue a separate write tags to file?

My understanding:

It (should) happen automatically only if you have "sync" switched on, otherwise, you manually need to select Action->Write Tags to File for each item. But are they always written completely and correctly? - I don't know. After applying many changes, it might also take some time until each image was updated. You can see the process when the green check mark at the lower left of the display turns to a rotating circle with a number on it.

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I was referring to Daria's comment on a bug in writing Place tag, when she said "One can only save it to file's metadata manually".


However' date=' I caught another bug with metadata writing procees in this build: the Place tag is not written automatically. One can only save it to file's metadata manually (no dependencies on file format). I've already registred this bug. #4611




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I was referring to Daria's comment on a bug in writing Place tag, when she said "One can only save it to file's metadata manually".






Hi Juha,


In the current builds, including 1700, the Place tags is not written to file's metadata even when Auto-sync is on. Other tags are synced without any issues, Place tag isn't. So it stays assigned in the database but if you take a look at the metadata you won't find it there until you manually run the command Write Tags for files.


Valery was looking into this issue today, I'll check the build they are going to generate later today.




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the Place tags is not written to file's metadata even when Auto-sync is on.

I also identified several of those cases using a tool similar to Juha's program . It seems unlike the Auto-sync function, using "Action->Write Tags to file" does write the place tag. However, I ran into at least one situation, where Daminion persistently crashed trying do so. Unfortunately, I lost the diagnostic information dash2.gif , but now "Action->Write Tags to file", as long as I know for which items it needs to be done. Talking about .JPG, it seems to be only a subset of all images.








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Other tags are synced without any issues.

Are you sure about that? I found at least one case, where keywords were not synchronized. Did you also test the capability, to rename a keyword in the Tags-Views? This can cause the meta data of many images to changed at once. In my case, I am quite sure, this what I did.




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