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Hi Uwe and Rawshooter,


I appreciate your contribution - nice job! :good:


And I see a lot of changes/improvements: 227 strings existing translations were updated.


Here is the final updated XLS file:



With a few new strings:

  • Hybrid
  • Map
  • Satellite
  • Move these items ({0}) to a new location?
  • Show all items at this location

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I appreciate your contribution - nice job! :good:


And I see a lot of changes/improvements: 227 strings existing translations were updated.


Thx, and yes indeed, it was a lot of work but it was also worth it to go through.



Here are my suggestions for the new entries:


Hybrid = "Hybrid"

Map = "Karte"

Satellite = "Satellit"

Move these items ({0}) to a new location? = "Diese Elemente ({0}) an einen neuen Ort verschieben?"

Show all items at this location = "Alle Elemente an diesem Ort anzeigen"









Sorry I was to hurry. Better translation is yet to come...

Edited by Rawshooter
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Here are screenshots explaining the last 2 messages:


Clicking on the "Show all items at this location" link allows to display all items beyond a marker on the thumbnails area.





"Move these items ({0}) to a new location?" appears after dragging a marker to a new location.




Purple markers on the map are associated with geo coordinates of some images.

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Clicking on the "Show all items at this location" link allows to display all items beyond a marker on the thumbnails area.


Then I would translate that as: "Alle Elemente dieses Ortes anzeigen"


"Move these items ({0}) to a new location?" appears after dragging a marker to a new location.

And this as "Diese Elemente ({0}) an den neuen Ort verschieben?"


my 2 cents

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Alternative messages:

  • "Change GEO coordinates of these items ({0})?"
  • "Move this marker to a new location?"


Well, then I would prefer: "Move this marker to a new location?" = Soll dieser Marker an den neuen Ort verschoben werden?"

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Well, then I would prefer: "Move this marker to a new location?" = Soll dieser Marker an den neuen Ort verschoben werden?"


Thank you, I agree 100%.

One had moved the marker on the map from one place to another one and will be asked now for the confirmation of the "move process". Then the other action can happen after the confirmation: update of the tags (geo-tags) of the items which are related to the marker. The goal was to assign new geo information to all items which are related to the marker. And this process was simplified by "move the marker" of these items.


Regards, Uwe

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