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Bulk face recognition?


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Hi all,

   I have more than 2 TB images repository, in wich there are many faces repeated. In some cases there are + 15.000 faces of the same person. If I try to recognize by gropus of 20 faces, I probably last a lot of months in it...

I wonder if exists a way to make "bulk recognitions" for these cases? I can´t waste so much time in it.


Thanks so much!

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55 minutes ago, Daria Kotilainen said:

Hi Facundo, 


Unfortunately, not at this moment. Some groups may contain faces that are very similar to the rest of the group but are of a different person. Having faces arranged into groups of 20 makes it easier to distinguish such "incorrect" faces and remove them from a group. 


Kind regards, 


Thanks Daria for your answer. Another question, this setting cannot be changed?

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