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Performance issues


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for several weeks I can observe a performance degradation. When I select an item in the tree view it takes up to 10 or 15 minutes until all thumbnails are displayed. This happens both on the server itself and on separate client PCs. Is there a way to identify the bottleneck?

Here is an example showing the situation about three minutes after selecting an item on the left hand side:



Best regards,

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I am not an expert here, but I have a few questions:

Did the problem appear after an update, either to Daminion, or the program associated with the dng files?

Have you checked your directory structure, and your catalog definition in the sever? It appears that the server does not know where the thumbnails are.

If you select that item again later, does it now know the thumbnails, or does it have to generate them all over again?

Do you have multiple catalogs? If so, do they all behave the same?

Do all your file types exhibit this problem?

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Hi Volker, 


Please let me know your Daminion version - the screenshot does not show it. Also, please let me know your PostgreSQL version and check if the thumbnailsStorePath= parameter is set in your catalog.config file located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Daminion Software\Daminion Server. If so, where is it pointing? 


Kind regards, 




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Hi Daria,


thank you very much! The manual upgrade of the client did the job 🙂

The contents of the catalog.config is


<ServerCatalogs disableCheckUpdates="false" initialFileDefaultFolder=""
    defaultMediaStorePath="" defaultThumbnailsStorePath="C:\ProgramData\Daminion Software\Daminion Server\Thumbnails"
    checkdirsonstart="true" facerecognition="true" enableVideoPreview="false"
    videoConvertPriority="low" disableautodect="false" securitylinks="false">
        <clear />
        <Catalog catalogName="NetCatalog" webUserCreatorId="" fileShareUser=""
            fileSharePassword="" name="Bilder" description="Bilder" blobStoreTemp=""
            mediaStorePath="C:\Users\Public\Documents\Daminion Server Files "
            dropFolder="" folderTemplate="" filenameTemplate="" thumbnailsStorePath=""
            videoStorePath="C:\ProgramData\Daminion Software\Daminion Server\Video"
            videoStorePathNew="" databaseServer="localhost" securitylinks="true"
            isNeedToApplyMetadata="false" restapi="false" ftsLoader="true"
            ailabels="false" faces="true" ailabelslang="en" webaccess="true"
            active="true" viewerCanDownloadOriginal="true" disableVideoPreview="false"
            databasePort="5432" transportPort="8082" restApiPort="0" fileTransportPort="8084"
            databaseUser="postgres" databasePassword="postgres" />
        <Catalog catalogName="NetCatalog2" webUserCreatorId="" fileShareUser=""
            fileSharePassword="" name="Musik" description="" blobStoreTemp=""
            mediaStorePath="C:\DaminionData" dropFolder="" folderTemplate=""
            filenameTemplate="" thumbnailsStorePath="" videoStorePath="C:\ProgramData\Daminion Software\Daminion Server\Video"
            videoStorePathNew="" databaseServer="localhost" securitylinks="true"
            isNeedToApplyMetadata="false" restapi="true" ftsLoader="true"
            ailabels="false" faces="true" ailabelslang="en" webaccess="false"
            active="false" viewerCanDownloadOriginal="true" disableVideoPreview="false"
            databasePort="5432" transportPort="8083" restApiPort="8086"
            fileTransportPort="8085" databaseUser="postgres" databasePassword="postgres" />


The empty paths are obviously wrong. Which path should I enter here?

Best regards,

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Hi Volker, 

thumbnailsStorePath="" are empty for both catalogs, meaning that the thumbs are not cached and are generated on the fly to be stored in a temp folder. This is why it takes so much time to generate them and load them. 


Please open Notepad as Administrator, open the file "catalogs.config" and set the thumbnailsStorePath="" for both catalogs (e.g. thumbnailsStorePath="D:\Sample\Thumbs\NetCatalog")


Kind regards, 


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Good morning, Daria,

which is the best way to recreate all thumbnails? As mentioned before it is a very time consuming process and I have to do it step by step. Whenever I select more than about 20,000 images and tell Daminion to recreate the thumbnails the connection to the server gets lost and I have to start again:



Best regards,

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Hi Daria, I switched back to batches of about 10k to 20k. Unfortunately I cannot see any increase of speed.
It would be helpful if I could find all those images that do not have a thumbnail yet, because then I could avoid recreating the thumbnails several times for some of the images.


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Hi Daria,

I am near despair. The connection to the server (running on the same machine) keeps crashing. Meanwhile it even crashes before I can start the recreation of the thumbnails:



The next issue is the low speed. When I succeed in starting the recreation it takes more than one hour for 1,000 thumbnails.


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