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2492 - 2555 wrong shutter speed and gpx icon


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  On 10/11/2021 at 9:42 AM, WilfriedB said:

Uwe, are you sure the item 20211007_181151-000.gpx really contains data in GPX format? If so, it is also strange, it shows '1/250 sek', which doesn't make any sense for GPX.


Hi Wilfried,

yes it's gpx. The second bug of the 7.0 release is: all in 7.0 imported "non Image items" get the the Shutter Speed tag 1/250 - it's a lot of time consuming work to repair it when the bug is fixed hopefully asap.

regards, Uwe

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my build is 2492.

generally: if there is no Shutter Speed Tag in the Exif metadata of an imported file Daminion assigns 1/250. Also for e.g. scanned images like TIF file. Here an example of a TIF file created by a Canon flat bed scanner and imported with version 7.0 2492. This bug didn't exist before 7.0.

regards, Uwe



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add example Shutter Speed bug
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Update: the reason of this bug seems to be a wrong entry of the value "0.004" assigned to the shutterspeed default id "1". I don't know when this happend. All other active catalogs in my system don't have this bug. There is the default id "1" assigned to value "0".


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  • Uwe changed the title to 2492 - gpx icon - wrong shutter speed

Hello Daria,

you got a video by Skype. This video shows: there is a JPG file (imported in 2016) shutter speed = 1/250 in the metadata and the corresponding entry in the table mediaitems of the shutter speed. The action "Read Tags from file" now with version 7.0 of this file creates a Shutter Speed entry 1/10 !!! in the database.

Regards, Uwe

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  • Uwe changed the title to 2492 - 2552 gpx icon - wrong shutter speed


sorry, but other than described in the bux fixes of build 2552: the shutter speed is still wrong. I made a "read tags from file" of all items with Shutter Speed 1/250 (these were all items which were wrong and which were ok). I've expected to find only right items with Shutter Speed 1/250 assignd to the tag. Files without Exposure Time (PDF, scanned TIF, GPX etc) get a Shutter Speed = 1/11104. But now the Tag Shutter Speed 1/250 = 0 and a lot of wrong Shutter Speed 1/245 of items which have Exposure Time = 1/250.

Please check the screen shots.

regards, Uwe



Edited by Uwe
add 1/11104 cases
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  • Uwe changed the title to 2492 - 2555 wrong shutter speed and gpx icon

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