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Is there a way to create text reports in Daminion?

In addition to digital asset management, I'm trying to use Daminion to keep track of software licenses and usage and who has access to which applications in a company. I'm using icons for the software, putting the icons in a folder and then importing them into Daminion. Then I can assign people. I'd also like to use custom tags to assign roles (admin, super-user, user, etc.) but all of this would be useless unless I can get a report.

Is this possible? Or do we have to use a dedicated program for this?

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Thanks, WilfriedB...

That's exactly what I needed with the exception of one small detail...

When I do the export, all th e people who are assigned to a piece of software appear in the record for the software; I would expect that. (see screenshot)


I'd like to be able to do a report, say, on one person, so that I can see all the software assigned, let's say, to Rebecca. While it's easy to see in the demo screenshot, the number of software packages would be large, so just looking at it visually is not a good option. A report would be better.

The current number of people is relatively small (~15) but it will be growing quite a bit. But one thought I had was to create a custom tag for each person and place an "X" or "Yes" as the tag data. That might work, but it's clumsy. It would be just a bit easier if one of the field types was boolean or yes/no.

BTW, what I'm looking for can be done visually within Daminion by just selecting each user in the tags panel. Then the piece of software displays in the main part of the window where images usually appear.

This is probably quite confusing, but I'm hoping you have the idea.

And, BTW, if anyone has any recommendations for dedicated software, hopefully free as this is a non-profit, I'm way open to ideas. I'm only attempting to do this in Daminion because I find it so flexible and powerful.

Thanks all...

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1 hour ago, bobmac1547 said:

what I'm looking for can be done visually within Daminion by just selecting each user in the tags panel.

Not sure, I completely understand your point Bob(?). Some thoughts:

  • Not sure it was clear enough: Before you run the export, you must make a selection in Daminion which fits your needs.
  • 'just selecting each user in the tags panel' is the simplest way to make a selection in Daminion, however in most cases you should use Advanced Search and/or <Filter Tags> to refine or extend the search.
  • Advanced Search and/or <Filter Tags> kind of complement each other and can be used in combination. For example, Advanced Search does not allow negation for some tags, but <Filter Tags> does, whereas you can specify multiple tests for multiple tags. So you can create an advanced search first, then exclude via <Filter Tags>.
  • After defining (and testing) a more complex search you can store it for future usage under Saved Searches.

However, Daminion does not allow for:

  • Combining and and or for a test of a single tag.
  • When testing different tags, they use the logical conjunction (AND).
  • Create a summary, i.e. how many times does Rebecca appear as Admin.
  • ... and some other more complex queries

To handle those, you can either process the resulting CSV (for example in Excel) afterwards or access the PostgreSQL (or SQLite for standalone) database directly using SQL.

1 hour ago, bobmac1547 said:

dedicated software

I am not aware of any such software specifically for Daminion. I did some programming by myself using Python & SQL and so did some others here in the forum. I don't have any 'ready-to-use' software, but would be happy to share my experiences with programming savvy people.


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so, somehow it will work. But it seems to me not practical to map it in Daminion. In Daminion the single object to which everything refers to is the item. This item has attibutes like keywords, persons, Custom Tags etc., which all describe the object equally on one level. But what you also need are relations between the attributes. For example, maybe the cost of the software for one person is different from the cost of the software for another person, because there is a difference between e.g. an annual price, the number of concurrent users, the number of licenses and the time limited use of a license only for a few months (time limited project). The question: who has access to the software can be answered simply by assigning a person. But the role of this person is now not an attribute of the software, but of the person related to time. I.e. One could build up the tag "People" hierarchically in such a way that each possible hierarchy is represented. E.g.

  • Admin
    • Person01
    • Person03
  • User
    • Person02
    • Person01

In addition then exists e.g. a hierarchy of the Keywords:

  • software_name
    • PhotoshopCS6
    • Affinity Photo
    • Daminion

which makes it possible to indicate the persons assigned to the software and their role. However, the temporal relation between the person and the duration of the license usage is not yet mapped here.
Another possibility is the structure of a keyword hierarchy, which software and the assigned persons in their role without temporal reference and costs to represent, as follows e.g..:

  • Software_name
    • PhotoshopCS6
      • Admin
        • Person01
      • User
        • Person02
        • Person03
    • Daminion
      • Admin
        • Person03
      • User
        • Person01

The Custom Tag formats "Currency" and "Date" are not hierarchical and cannot be displayed in the Catalog Panel, but only in the Properties Panel and are therefore only associated with the software and not with individual attributes. If you want that, you would have to create Custom Tags as text format, which makes hierarchies possible, but at the same time does not allow format checking.
I think I could make it as complicated as I want, maybe I am wrong with my thoughts.

That's my first thoughts

Regards, Uwe

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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THANK YOU ALL! (Yes, I'm shouting that!)

Apparently, I'm trying to get blood out of a turnip. Not that Daminion is a turnip. But I'm trying to get something out Daminion for which it was not designed nor intended. Daminion does an exquisite job in digital asset management, which, after all, is what it's designed to do. I was just attempting to do something different.

I truly appreciate all your help. This is an amazing community with incredibly generous contributors. I only wish I knew more so that I could make a contribution, but, alas, I'm only an occasional user and lack the knowledge and experience to offer very much. However, when it comes to GUI design and usability, that's one place where I can chime in with some authority.

Thanks again...!

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My simple suggestion would use Excel/LibreOffice Calc/Google Calc for this? Have one sheet with three columns: Software, Person, Is Admin. Then in another tab, you can create a Pivot table and organize your information by user or by software in the Pivot.



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