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sync stalled


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I'm not sure why, but the sync stalled. Everything else works fine still. Is there a way to manually clear the list of files waiting to be synced, so I can get a fresh start and try again?


You can't manually access to this list. To fix this issue click on the Saved Searches > Unsynced tag and take a look at the appeared files. Connect the offline device where these files are located or delete the offline thumbnails (if the actual files were deleted permanently) and the sync counter will be reset.



And does it matter if I change the name of the catalog?


Changing the catalog's name doesn't reflect to its content.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have also experienced a similar situation, but I have had first problems with importing images (https://daminion.net/user-forum/index.php?/topic/250-bug-import-freezes-after-multiple-imports/) and have experienced the sync problems after I have reopened the catalog. I have been able to pin point the import problem and Murat has been able to reproduce situation.

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No problem, I just wanted to tell that you have the bug in your process.




Check that all your updates have been written also into the images. I have noticed that after sync stalling some metadata is not written into the images, but Daminion thinks that everything has been synced. Check with exiftool and if necessary force the metadata into the images (Item > Actions > Write Metadata to File).

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