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770 - Altitude is not updated


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When you drag and drop a picture (from thumbnail panel) onto a pin location in window Map, Altitude is not updated at Pin location!


When you drag and drop a picture on Pin location, dropped picture should also be filled by altitude destination ?

(Same Latitude/Longitude/Altitude)

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Yeah, the Altitude is not changing, that's true.

Hm, it could change in most of the cases, but what if it's an aerial or underwater photo, and we just reposition it a little? It's no good if Daminion change it to the new location's altitude value.


But I think that we need an editable Altitude anyway.

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Yeah, the Altitude is not changing, that's true.

Hm, it could change in most of the cases, but what if it's an aerial or underwater photo, and we just reposition it a little? It's no good if Daminion change it to the new location's altitude value.


Argh! I didn't think about these positive or negative altitudes on exactly same location.

But this particular case will represent, I guess less than 0.1% while 99.9% are missing this feature...


But I think that we need an editable Altitude anyway.

Absolutely right, or to have these choices :

- keep it original or

- changed it at average or

- user will change it

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- changed it at average or


I think we need a switch or something to change it or not when we drag an image to the map. (The default is to change it, and we can turn that off if the image is in that 0.1% :D)


And at the same time we need an editable altitude, too. :)

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I agree with Alain that in most cases we need to update the Altitude also (when drop an image to an existing marker).


But we work with 2D map and our point of view is located at the top of the objects. So we can visually adjust the Latitude/Longitude coordinates of the images. But the only true way to set the Altitude of the images is by GPS Device installed into your camera, smartphone or an external GPS device. And even in this case GPS Altitude will be valid for the Place of the Camera but not for the Shown Place.


This is my 2 cents against the Altitude editor ;)

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But the only true way to set the Altitude of the images is by GPS Device installed into your camera, smartphone or an external GPS device.

This is the case even in compact camera. I have an "old" AW100 from Nikon (which is now replaced by AW110) and built in GPS write Altitude inside picture metadata.


Most of the time when I take first pictures, GPS is not yet on (takes some time to be synchronised). So I wait and take at least a last picture with GPS on in order to get and write Lat/Long/Altitude on first images.


So when I drag and drop first pictures taken (with not GPS synchronised) on last pictures taken (with GPS coordinate), it would be good to also synchronise Altitude.

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Sorry, I didn't understand the first part of this sentence. What do you mean by "new images"?


You said:

"But the only true way to set the Altitude of the images is by GPS Device installed into your camera"

"This is my 2 cents against the Altitude editor"


What about older images which don't have gps data at all? What about scanned images? What about images with messed up exif? And there are a lot of more examples where there is no gps enabled camera to set the altitude.

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So when I drag and drop first pictures taken (with not GPS synchronised) on last pictures taken (with GPS coordinate), it would be good to also synchronise Altitude.


I agree that Altitude can be assigned to images after dragging them to a location marker in the Map (as I said above)

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  • 6 years later...

I have imported all files from one catalog to a new empty catalog.
Then I run DamCompare.py (https://forum.daminion.net/topic/3475-tool-to-check-consistency-of-tags/) and analyzed the reported errors.
The most errors were found in the GPS data (altitude).
From my 13924 files with GPS differ 11529 files from the catalog!
Example: One file with Altitude 431 m (1414.04 ft) in catalog. The file has 256 m (839.9 ft). (Seen in geosetter, windows fileproperties and irfanview)
Daminion "Sync->Write tags to file" and "Actions->Write tags to file" bring no change.

How can the altitude be written from the catalog to the files?


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Egon, if Daminion displayed altitude in the catalog, then the altitude was taken from file's metadata. Why do you need to write it back if it has already been taken from file's metadata? Not sure I got what you were trying to do... It is still not possible to set up a new Altitude from within Daminion by dragging an dropping the file on the map, and we are not planning to change this functionality in the nearest future


Kind regards, 


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  • 3 weeks later...

It's clear, that I can not edit Altitude in Daminion. I get this from geosetter or other tool and then Read Tags from file. So I have the Altitude in Daminion catalog. But in the files the Altitude  is saved incorrectly. This is my problem! In the attachment you see, catalog has 605 m, file has 256 m. How can I write the altitude 605 to the fileSynchronization -> Write tags to file and Action -> Write tags to file don't change anything.


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