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  2. Yes. The output txt file is not created. I will check it put later after the scheduled sessions are done
  3. Hi Daria, I used FR as a test some time ago, but then uninstalled it and it hasn't been active for a long time. I deleted the ‘old FR entries’ from the database following your instructions. Have you tried my batch file on your system? Greetings, Uwe
  4. Hello Uwe, I suspect this could be related to the files processed by facial recognition. @Oleg.Rossplease comment on this when you have a moment. Advanced > People: Is Empty works for me:
  5. Hello, the advanced search for person "not assigned/is empty" or "is not empty" does not work. In the Tags panel->People there are 78 items without a person tag (not assigned). If I now set the condition “Person is empty” under Advanced search, no items are displayed. Conversely, no items are displayed for ‘Person is not empty’ either. I have created the following SQL query (see batch file in the attachment). The query searches the NetCatalog for all entries in the ‘mediaitems’ table for which no entry exists in the ‘people_file’ table and creates a text file with the IDs without a person tag in the folder in which the batch file is located. But the problem is: the items determined by the query do not match those from the Tags panel and vice versa and are also not among the ‘unassigned’ items in the Tags panel->People. What might I be doing wrong with the SQL query or where is the error in the Daminion query for the person tag in the Tags panel? Best regards, Uwe no_personen_tag_to_TXT.bat
  6. Hi there, after a long time, not working on my photos, I started today and was happy to see the improvements on the Face REcognition, whith choosing folders. to be scanned, this is ready great for me. Only thing, the system found a lot of images, but make several blocks for the same person and the client keeps freezing
  7. Earlier
  8. I'm using it on an iPad Air 4th Generation
  9. I was able to reproduce the issue. I cannot explain why indexed tags are removed, but linear tags are kept, as well as why this file format is not taken into account when searching by people=empty. I will register this as an issue, however, since there is no full support of the file format, we will hardly fix it until the full support is introduced.
  10. Hi Daria, logout - it's ok, person tag remains in the thumbnail view. regards, Uwe
  11. Hi Uwe, are title, description, and copyrights assigned via Daminion, or Affinity?
  12. Hi Uwe, could you please try to configure it and exit the catalog via Log Out instead of closing the app? Let me know if it helps
  13. Hello, I have currently set the following view: I have deleted the colour profile and added the person tag to the display instead: when I close and restart the Daminion client, this change is lost and instead of the person tag, the colour profile is displayed again. Regards, Uwe
  14. Hello, example format afbup - not natively supported by Daminion regarding metadata. 0. When selecting files without a person tag (person = empty), for example, the afpub format is not taken into account. I still have to test whether this applies to all natively supported formats, or Daminion should answer this question. 1. in the properties panel, the person tag of the afpub file is filled with ‘testperson’ and saved. Unlike other programmes, Daminion does not write a sidecar file for this format. This means that ‘testperson’ is only in the catalogue. 2. a ‘read tags from file’ now deletes the previously assigned person from the person tag. Together with all other tags. Irritating: Title, description and copyright are not deleted. regards, Uwe
  15. Hello Uwe, we are working on the new version right now that will support the latest version of PostgreSQL.
  16. Hello, how long do we have to work with the no longer supported PostgreSQL 12 version? And why is it not possible to use the current version? 2025-02-20: "The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has released an update to all supported versions of PostgreSQL, including 17.4, 16.8, 15.12, 14.17, and 13.20." https://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Regards, Uwe
  17. Hi Uwe, it is hard to say without the backup. Please send it to us. Perhaps we can build a query to merge the fonts.
  18. Hello, Questions: why are the fonts not all summarised under ‘Verdana’, as in the example here? The same error has existed for years with the camera tag. Also, the number of fonts summarised under ‘Verdana’ is not correct. Best regards, Uwe
  19. No answer as i predict it. You screw up single users with monthly nonsense payment as Adobe did. So 119 eur down the drain. I hope you choke up on your greed and more users abandon you like you did to them.
  20. Hi Juha, yes, fixed in the lastet build: https://daminion.net/files/DaminionServerSetup-10.0.zip This functionality is now regulated by the config parameter: isSupportItemsGroup="true" Please edit the config file (setting is to be applied to each catalog), restart the server, and the groups will be available
  21. working in build 3668 but you has to set the "true" option in the config file
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