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Any tricks to update thumbnails after PS/LR/etc editing


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Hoping to find out if anyone has figured or found a workaround on this.


I have Daminion 5.5 (1715) Server version (Run in a single computer) with files on external hard drives.

I have the FastPictureViewer Codec Pack installed (v. <<If you don't have this, its worth skipping your mocha for two days to get it! $10! ok,,off my soapbox about that. :-P



Most of my thumbnails are viewable as is..but there are those few that were shot underexposed/overexposed/at night,etc, and need edited before I can recall what the heck I was shooting. (Some are very old..heh)


I've tried with some color/develope adjustments via lightroom/Photoshop/Picasa, and Irfanview.


The thumbnails do not update to show the changes after any of these.


I tried the info I found on this link:



No dice.


I also tried updating thumbnails thru Daminion (Cntl +B).


Anyone know if I am looking for the (Currently) impossible.?? :dash2:




((Daminion kicks butt!))

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Hello ShadeWalker,

maybe I'm wrong but as far as I know no program changes the original RAW, e.g. CR2 file. All adjustments (sharpness, color adjustments etc.) you made are saved as CRS tags into a XMP sidecar file. Daminion doesn't read these adjustments saved in this sidecar file except the EXIF, XMP... metadata.

The only way I know is to convert the RAW to DNG format. Then open the DNG in PS, the RAW converter appears, you adjust the DNG and finish your work without to continue in PS (PS can't save to... ->DNG). Now a CTRL-B in Daminion updates the thumbnail and you see the adjustments you made before in the RAW converter.

Regards, Uwe

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Hello ShadeWalker,

maybe I'm wrong but as far as I know no program changes the original RAW, e.g. CR2 file. All adjustments (sharpness, color adjustments etc.) you made are saved as CRS tags into a XMP sidecar file. Daminion doesn't read these adjustments saved in this sidecar file except the EXIF, XMP... metadata.

The only way I know is to convert the RAW to DNG format. Then open the DNG in PS, the RAW converter appears, you adjust the DNG and finish your work without to continue in PS (PS can't save to... ->DNG). Now a CTRL-B in Daminion updates the thumbnail and you see the adjustments you made before in the RAW converter.

Regards, Uwe


Good info to know/try out. Will see if I can figure a batch way to do it, as the amount of files are a just a few too many to want to do the above individually..heh.



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So I did some more looking around. Found DarkTable and RawTherapee. While some reading thru the forums say Daminion can:


Added partial support for Nikon Capture NX-D, DxO optics and RAWTherapee sidecar files. These files will be moved/removed/renamed along with their master file. No info will be imported from these sidecar files


So, not sure what good it does if the info isn't imported from the sidecars :sorry2:


Anyway,still have not found no easy (Ie, quick) way to update thumbs from RAW files that have had some color adjustments done. :nea:

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Hello ShadeWalker,

even if the main focus of the Daminion user here in the forum is Photography - Daminion is a DAM tool. At the moment there is no functionality to handle other than "management metadata" (EXIF, IPTC, XMP) of RAW files and its embedded JPG thumbnail.

At the moment there is only one typ of sidecar files for RAW and MP4 files handled by Daminion: XMP. The RAW and the XMP file are like a pair - you don't have to define the XMP sidecar file extension in the Import Filter settings. Additionally for MP4 movies: *.mp4.thumb.jpg to show this JPG as thumbnail of the movie.

All other sidecar files created by the external RAW converter (RawTherapee, DxO, C1...) are not sidecar files from the Daminion point of view. Daminion doesn't handle e.g. the sidecar file *.pp3 generated by RawTherapee. From Daminion point of view the *.pp3 file is not a sidecar file of the *.RAW file. If you define these "unknown" sidecar files in the Daminion Import filter settings they are imported like an other "unknown" extension.

Regards, Uwe

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Hi ShadeWalker


With exiftool it's possible to update the thumbnail in a RAW image (exiftool -b -ThumbnailImage image.jpg > thumbnail.jpg). After that ctrl-B should work.


Another approach would be to group your RAW and JPG together and place the JPG on top. That would also reduce the number visible items on your catalog.



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Juha, you are right. One can save the adjusted RAW as JPG. This JPG can be embedded in the RAW as the new thumbnail using the ExifTool.

Please check the restrictions shown by the ExifToolGUI:

Embedded jpg.jpg

This can be a workaround.

Regards, Uwe

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