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Feature Request


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We just purchased the Server edition and have been impressed with many of the features and capabilities. I have a number of things I would like to suggest for future releases if possible. I will separate them in different posts for focus.


It would be useful to have an option to record your reason for a check-out or export. For instance, if a particular photo was used in a publication I may not want to use the photo again in the near future or only in another domain (Print/Web etc).

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Based on your suggestion such comment should be related to the whole document but not to a certain document version. Right?


In this case I could suggest you to use the Comment field, to put such comments. You can then exclude the Comment tag from writing into the exporting images (in the Export Preset Editor)

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Based on your suggestion such comment should be related to the hole document but not to a certain document version. Right?


In this case I could suggest you to use the Comment field, to put such comments. You can then exclude the Comment tag from writing into the exporting images (in the Export Preset Editor)


I work with DuncanSIL, and I'll try to explain why it would be good to have this in the "audit trail" for signing out records from Daminion. Although we have lots of pictures, we often find ourselves using some photos more often than we think! If we could see not only where, but when a photo was used it would be helpful in choosing alternatives. Putting the info in a comment is fine, I can't seem to search for example "All photos checked out in last 12 months". Currently the tracking of checking out records, although very thorough, seems to be a bit of a black hole. We put information into it, but it isn't really easy to get at.


This could easily start a new post subject, but I would think that if a menu option for usage reports was available it could take advantage of this marvelous audit trail of record usage that accumulates as we sign out/in records (Even emailing and exporting should be put into this audit trail). We could make a report that could have the record ID, filename, and/or whatever tag fields we want complete with the date it was signed out and for what reason. You could even use a report such as this to find all records that have been signed out, but not signed back in (and by who signed them out). As a member of a graphic department, I don't always know who has used what record, and why. I don't have the time to examine every piece that gets produced and mentally note what images have been used. This kind of report would make my job so much easier!

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Hello Larry,


Thanks for detailed explanation.


Using the CheckOut command for preparing images for publications might be redundant, because CheckOut command locks files for editing by others.

It creates a file copy on the server even if you don't plan to edit it. Plus I might use a photo on a publication without exporting or Checking it out,


just by dragging it to my InDesign or MS Word template. Or I can upload it to the web-site by external application outside of the Daminion.


The current "Item Audit History" command should be renamed to "Versions History" (or similar), and probably it will be better to add a True

Item Audit History option that will also tracks "Versions History" along with other actions, like emailing, exporting or printing (or even viewing).


Item Audit History should include Author, Date, Action, and Comment fields and should be searchable.


Comments can be added during the Checking Out/In, Exporting, Printing, Deleting, etc...


Plus you can add a new "Item Audit History" item with a comment even if you didn't check it out or exported.


What do think?


BTW you can find see the checked out items grouped by users in the left panel:



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