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Question about Keywords and Categories


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Hey folks,

I got a question regarding Categories and Keywords.


I have no Idea on what I can write where.


Could you explain to me what might be the best solutions in your opinion for this example image:




Airport, Travel, Airplane, plane,



Boeing 777, Boeing 777-300ER, Emirates, Airlines, Emirates Airlines, Hamburg, Hamburg Airport, HAM,



I would like to have hirachiel keywords and categories, but since those can't be stored inside the EXIF Metadata I have to use the non hirachial tags.


Please give me your ideas, on how to tag this picture.




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Hi Rene,


as far as I know the category is a standard definition. See: http://www.iptc.org/std/photometadata/documentation/GenericGuidelines/index.htm#!Documents/guidelineformappingcategorycodestosubjectnewscodes.htm

Because I'm not a professional I don't use the Category and assign the information to "Collection" and "Keywords". The information about the location is assigned to the Places tags.

In this case:




------Hamburg Flughafen

The Keyword hierarchy can be:





----Boing 777

----Boing 777-300

etc. ...


Regards, Uwe

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when I try to import the tags from the link above I get the following error:


Another tag of this hirachial level is already imported.


I just exported my tags and than edited that version with the ones from the link and reimported it, but it didn't worked.

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The .txt file that you sent me (with your exported tag structure) is not equal to your database that I restored from your backup.


There is a set of tags similar to keywords or categories that follow right after the category entries. They start from the "Abstract" word on the zero-level.


How did you get this .txt file?


Plus I see that your zero level contains two "People" entries - you need to fix it before importing this file.

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