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875 - Geo data for "Non Image Items" - Question


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I've imported some GPX-Files from the last hiking trip together with the photos in the catalog.

Even if Daminion doesn't write the metadata (keywords, title, description etc) in the GPX-file the information are in the catalog, they are displayed in the Properties Panel and I can work with them.

My question is related to the Geo-metadata (altitude, longitude). I can assign a GPX-item to a point in the map and this information is saved in the table "Netcatalog-image" even if this is not an image. See screenshot:


But I don't see these Geo-metadata in the Properties Panel because the "Image section" is not there - it's not an image.

My questions:

1. Should it be possible to assign Geo-metadata to "non-image" files by drag and drop to the map? Then I would like to see the information in the Properties Panel

2. or shouldn't it be possible to assign Geo-metadata to "non-image" items? Then Daminion should check it in the drag and drop function.


Regards, Uwe

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Hello rene,


it's a track file (file extension GPX) recorded by a Garmin GPS device (Oregon 600). I use the Geosetter program to assign the geographical information in this track file to the photos made on the track.


Regards, Uwe


PS, yes with altitute, logitude and latitude information


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  On 9/2/2013 at 12:51 PM, Uwe said:

1. Should it be possible to assign Geo-metadata to "non-image" files by drag and drop to the map? Then I would like to see the information in the Properties Panel


We can display GEO tagging info for video files also.


Could you please give us some info about your Garmin GPS device:

- Did you keep it switched On all the time during your trip or just before photo sessions

- What's the average GPX files size that you took during your trip?

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here my answers:

1. yes it's on all the day on the trip. The time of the GPS and the camera are sysnchronized as good as possible.

2. the size of the GPX track file is about 400KB/8-hour-hiking-trip. But this depends on the number of trackpoints you record. In this case I used the automatic recording and the device decides.


The question is: should there a test in Daminion to avoid GEO data in "non-imgae" files. In this case I mean e.g. DOC, XLS or formats imported by user definined import filter (ZIP, RAR, TXT...). If one can assign GEO data to all files, independend on the format, the information should to be visible in the Properties Panel.


Regards, Uwe

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