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653 - Import error - Object reference not set to an instance of an object


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at the end of an Import by reference into a shared catalog I got an error protocol. The error message is: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".

1. I checked the error: the items are in the catalog by reference and can be used. What does the message mean?

2. I would like to have the chance to save the protokoll as TXT file to check it later.

3. In the German version the error message appears in English


Regards, Uwe


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Hi Murat,


I know the way to use the clipboard. The function to save it I'm asking for is priority 10 for me.

But there are more than 80.000 errors (total number of files to import is > 110.000. I'll try to reproduce it.


Regards, Uwe

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