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Advanced Search - test results


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I made some first and simple tests. Please see the attached text file. I used NotePad++ 6.1.5 to create the file. Maybe the format is different when you open it by other TXT editors e.g. Windows Editor.

Please feel free to add results of your tests or adjust the content in case of other results. Please use combinations of search criteria to get a new quality of test results.

Murat, please give us some information about bug fixing.


Regards, Uwe


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Uwe, I much appreciate for the comprehensive testing of the Advanced Search option.


In a brief: not all the query conditions work with all tags. Query condition list will be different for various tags on the upcoming Daminion versions.


We've fixed some of the issues:

  • Fixed a bug with selection of "Is (not) Empty" condition
  • "Doesn't match" query condition now works for most of the tags (and an appropriate option in the Tags tree: Hide files with "TAG")
  • "Doesn't contain" condition will works for tags that allows just one value per file (like Filename, Title, Event, Camera Model, ....). It will not work for
    Keywords, Categories, Folder, Place. It requires some time for implementation for these tags, that we plan to invest info development of the "User Roles" feature now. But of course we'll get back to this later.
  • Fixed the bug with crashing the program in some cases after selecting the "Creation Datetime" tag in the Advanced Search window


Some know problems:


    [*]"Contains" condition works with tags that have a relatively small number of sub-tags. If a tag has a large number of sub-tags, like "SERVER" folder in your case, the searching might fail due to a time-out error. This is also a theme for future improvements.

    [*]"Matches" & "doesn't match" conditions are case sensitive.

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