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Thumbnail Window - 1000 item blocks - useful?


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I had this topic in my mind long time ago but now after importing of 180000 items in the test catalog I would like to ask: who uses the 1000 item blocks in the Thumbnail window? My personal opinion: I don't need it. If this is for internal buffer handling - ok but not in the UI. I don't see any useful advantage for me. Either I go to the top of the items or to the bottom. I don't have any knowledge about: is the item I'm locking for in block 15 or in block 42? I would like to scoll in the full content of this window.

Can anybody explain: what can I do with it?


Regards, Uwe

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  On 8/13/2012 at 10:17 AM, Uwe said:

I had this topic in my mind long time ago but now after importing of 180000 items in the test catalog I would like to ask: who uses the 1000 item blocks in the Thumbnail window? My personal opinion: I don't need it. If this is for internal buffer handling - ok but not in the UI. I don't see any useful advantage for me. Either I go to the top of the items or to the bottom.


Splitting query results into small blocks (pages) allows to significantly speed up filtering and searching. And it's much harder to locate the necessary files among a huge list of files (let's say 100k files). This also drastically reduce the server loading in case of the multi-user scenarios.



I don't have any knowledge about: is the item I'm locking for in block 15 or in block 42? I would like to scoll in the full content of this window.

Can anybody explain: what can I do with it?


You can see an active page number on the bottom toolbar, and then switch to another page.

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Hello Murat,


yes the active page is selected. But e.g. I see page numbers from 1 to 6 followed by 3 dots and then page number 125. How can I go to page number 90? I would like to scoll up and down without any limitation made by previous selection.

I understand that working with limited blocks reduces the server load but this can be done by internal block buffer and not in the UI. Maybe it reduces the speed when I scroll down but this is ok for me.


Regards, Uwe

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  On 8/13/2012 at 1:14 PM, Uwe said:

yes the active page is selected. But e.g. I see page numbers from 1 to 6 followed by 3 dots and then page number 125. How can I go to page number 90? I would like to scoll up and down without any limitation made by previous selection.


Probably we'll improve this control later by adding a dropdown list that allows you to specify page number.



I understand that working with limited blocks reduces the server load but this can be done by internal block buffer and not in the UI. Maybe it reduces the speed when I scroll down but this is ok for me.


This might not work if I need to scroll to the end of a huge list. Or scroll bar sensitivity will be too small. And server loading is a large issue.

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I also feel that this is an area where the user experience can be improved and to be fair I have posted on this topic before...


I understand that design considerations (server load in multi-user environment & optimising queries) made this necessary but I feel that the application should then buffer the entire result set to thumbnail cache.


At present only approx. 200 images are cached and the result set is handled as a virtual list (only loading images when the thumbnail controls are rendered in the UI). The user experience would be improved if the entire result set is fetched by the client as it loads and cached entirely until the next page is loaded; thus scrolling up and down in the set of results will be smooth and eliminate long loading times in thumbnail generation and regeneration and regeneration and regeneration (I think you get the picture) when one moves up and down in a page assigning tags.


PS - I love the way you have approached tag assignment and the frequently assigned tags panel. This is FREAKIN' AWESOME and makes scanning and finding tags a breeze. Question - Why the magic wand icon on thumbnails? this is like a Window menu item on each thumbnail and not necessary... This panel can be accessed from the file menu like all other panels...

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The cache of each Daminion Client contains:

- JPEG Thumbnails loaded from the Server

- Uncompressed Screen Thumbnails stretched from the JPEG Previews to a user defined size.


The total cache size, in the latest Daminion version, is 800 for both, JPEG Previews and Screen Previews,


I've just experimented with increasing the cache size up to 2000. And once the thumbnails of a specified size were loaded the thumbnail generation had been stopped. Unfortunately this leads to an increased memory usage by Daminion.


Smallest (90x90 max) thumb size: 100 MB

Medium Size (200x200 max) thumb size: 260 MB

Large Size (300x300 max) thumb size: 460 MB

Extra Large Size (400x400 max): 700 MB


The only way to decrease this amount of using memory is decreasing the number of files per page (probably optionally). For example, most of the photo-stocks offer 200 images per page maximally (while the default files per page is 50)


We can decrease the number of files per page to 500 and increase the cache size (make it equal to the number of files per page)... :mda:

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Is there any way that this can be an option in a settings panel so we can test it?


It's hard to guess what it will be like on my system. I understand that the less memory available to the system, the less responsive the system and Daminion will be...


PS I would upgrade my RAM any time to get better performance and a setting option should solve performance issues for people who have systems with less memory available...

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I totally agree with Dean. Let's test it and give us some customizing options to find the best depending on the user environment. My opinion: memory should not be a limitation (700MB - where is the problem?) - only the technical limits set by a 32bit application. Or do you plan to go to 64bit with Daminion?

There are approx. 65000 photos in my Lightroom catalog and I don't have any problem to scroll regarding the sensivity of the scroll bar.


Regards, Uwe

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I don't have a problem with pages, it's uncomfortable, yes, but I can get used to it. But there could be a button to select all files on all pages.

Sometimes there is a common tag which I want to set for more images.

Or, in example, if I have 4500 images in a set (from a search, so those are not in the same directory, I can't just use import), and I want to move them to another Catalog, I have to wait five times to finish the processing of the actual 1000 (and 500) images.

The moving is slow (about 1000 files/hour? okay, maybe only 40-50 minutes, but it's slow), so maybe I would do it at night while I sleep, but I can't, because I can't select all the 4500 images.

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  • 2 years later...

Has this issue been dealt with yet? I too would appreciate being able to select all images on all pages. It's quite inconvenient to have to select 1000 only, perform action (apply tag, etc.), wait for it to finish processing and then go to next page to select only 1000 more then wait for that process to finish.


Is there any way to select ALL images on ALL pages yet?

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Some of the actions can be applied for all images on all pages:


1. Assign Tags: Select all files on a page and right click on a tag in the Tags tree in order to assign this tag to all selection


2. Export to CSV: Select all files on a page and export files to the CSV. On the appeared page


3. Delete All Images: Select all files on a page and press the Del button. An extra option to remove all images will be appeared.


I you need to add such capability for other functions please feel free to share them by answering to this topic.

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