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What is correct? - DateTimeOriginal in RAW and XMP sidecar file


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in the preferences it is set that for RAW files tags are written to the XMP sidecar file. So far so good. But should/must this also apply to the DateTimeOriginal tag, for example?
If you have to adjust the timestamp of the RAW file after the XMP sidecar file exists, then Daminion only changes the XMP file. This therefore leads to a difference between the DateTimeOriginal tag in the RAW file and the XMP file!
How are other systems/apps/DAM supposed to know which timestamp is correct - DateTimeOriginal of the RAW file or the XMP file?
Is the generated difference an error in Daminion?
In comparison, IMatch, for example, changes the DateTimeOriginal tag in both the RAW file and the XMP file in the above-mentioned case, but does not write any other metadata to the RAW file, as Daminion does.

Regards, Uwe

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 in another forum I asked the same question and got this answer:

"There should never be two sources of truth for metadata. Many tags in XMP, EXIF, GPS IPTC are linked and mirror each other. Many "entry-level" applications out there don't bother to synchronize properly, which always causes problems."

Of course, Daminion is not an entry-level app. So my question is along the following lines: as a Daminion user, do I have to live with ‘two truths’ regarding the time stamps and how can users to whom I have to send the original photos find out the truth?

The way I interpret the XMP sidecar file, it should keep the RAW file as ‘original’, which is not possible with the timestamp. I have only briefly tested (combination RAW+XMP) which timestamp is used for sorting by date taken. I hope I haven't made a mistake!
XnView: RAW - Exif:DateTimeOriginal
Imatch: RAW - Exif:DatetimeOriginal
DxO Photolab: XMP:DateTimeOriginal
LuminarNeo: RAW - Exif:DateTimeOriginal
W11 Explorer, ignores XMP: RAW - Exif:DateTimeOriginal
W11 Photo Viewer: RAW - Exif:DateTimeOriginal
I am interested in how other Daminion users deal with this issue.
I am looking forward to it and best regards,

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