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[solved in 3668] Properties Panel 4K Screen


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I got a new 4K monitor. However, there are now areas in the Properties Panel that are not displayed correctly. Is this a known problem? Does anyone else have this effect?
RTX4070 graphic card, EIZO CG2700X monitor, resolution 4096x2160

Regards, Uwe


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1. the scaling is 150% (default)
2. start the Daminion client
3. some areas in the Properties Panel are not displayed correctly with the default value
4. change the scaling to 100%
5. everything is okay in the Properties Panel - BUT very small and not to work with (for me)
6. change the scaling back to 150% (default)
7. everything is okay in the Properties Panel even if there is now 150%
8. close and restart the Daminion client
9. the problem is back: some areas are not displayed correctlyt's okay with the deafult 150%

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