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3480 - Cutomize Thumbnail Caption doesn't memorize choices

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In thumbnails view (F9), I do not display any picture informations and remove "Show action Buttons" and "Show below Thumbnails" choices in Customize Thumbnail Caption window.

But these unchecked options aren't memorized when closing/opening Daminion;

would be nice to memorize these choice for next Daminion opening.

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Hi Daria,

Yes, by closing catalog (File/Close catalog) this save settings.
By the way shortcut information (Ctrl+W) is missing after 'Close catalog' in menu.
See attached file.

A bit strange that when you close application (and by the way close also catalog) all settings are not memorized.

All catalogs settings should be memorized when closing application rather than to close each catalog independently for this !

Daminion close catalog.jpg

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