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Feature Request: Top Level Tag Numbering


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Hi Murat - just wanted to request a feature for those of us that use Hierarchical keywords/tags... coming from the Idimager world, I am able to choose a "top level" tag and see all the images that appear under that tag even if that tag itself is not assigned directly to any images. For example:




So, in this example, by click the "dot" next to "Baseball Game", I am able to see all images assigned to children under that tag - even though I have not assigned baseball game to the images directly but instead assigned "Pawtucket Red Sox".


When I pull in similar images that have hierarchical tagging into Daminion, choosing the top level (ie: Places) doesn't show all the child tags unless that tag is also assigned:




I would love the ability to instead be able to also choose in this example USA and see all images that have either USA, Massachusettes, Sandwich OR greenbriar assigned as I can in Idimager. Even if the "dot" method didn't work and an "Alt/Ctrl" Click on the dot was required... I think it important to allow the users to choose a top level tag and see all children under that level without having to click each sub-level tag.


Please let me know your thoughts... and please forgive me if there is a way to do this that I am unaware of.


BTW: the software is looking fantastic! Keep up the good work. :)

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I would like:

When the category tree shows all folders, the counter and a click shows only the directly assigned pictures. When the category tree is not open, then i see the amount of the pictures of the top level Category in the counter and i get all pictures, when i click.



I remember your request about this approach. Very interesting idea.


What if a tag is collapsed and I need to see media items that were assigned to selected tag sub-values? Should the necessity to expand it will be convenient? We need to test it on a Prototype.


To better explain your request for other user, I've listed your previous request below:

When i have a main category, such as animals with one picture tagged.

And i have two subcategories, dogs, with 5 pictures and cats, with 3 pictures.


Then i think, it would be better, when the categorie-tree is collapsed, that the counter of animals is 9 and when i click the radiobutton then i get the 9 Pictures (one Animals, five dogs and three cats).

When the categorie-tree is not collapsed, then i see animals 1, dogs 5, cats 3 and i get only the one animal picture, when i click the radiobutton animals.

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I wouldn't work in this way - my opinion. Either I assign the photo to its own category/hierarchy level or I have to define additional a common level/category for all of the other photos. I your exampel I would define a subcategory "common" or "others" under "animals". Then I don't need a different counter handling for collapesed and non collapsed hierarchy.


Regards, Uwe

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What about displaying by default all the tags. The counter and a click shows all assigned pictures (directly and to sub-tags).


And add an option to context menu to hide the pictures assigned to sub-values, like we did in PicaJet:




In this way we keep the simplicity while adding an extra option. Plus the most commonly used scenario (show files assigned to tags and its sub-values) is accessible by one click.

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What about displaying by default all the tags. The counter and a click shows all assigned pictures (directly and to sub-tags).


And add an option to context menu to hide the pictures assigned to sub-values, like we did in PicaJet:




In this way we keep the simplicity while adding an extra option. Plus the most commonly used scenario (show files assigned to tags and its sub-values) is accessible by one click.


I like this approach Murat - I think the majority of folks would agree that if you click an item, you would want to see that item PLUS all subcats by default.. if I only wanted to see items assigned to that item, then either a sub-menu option as described or perhaps an add'l CTRL+click mechanism would work very well.

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