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How to organize my pictures?


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Hi there,


we're breeding Irish Wolfhounds and over the years I have several thousand pictures with dogs.

Up to now I organize the pictures in different directories on my disk:


..\J-Wurf - 20120105

..\J-Wurf - 20120105\20120105

..\J-Wurf - 20120105\20120106


and so on. Directory "J-Wurf - 20120105" stand for the J-litter born on Jan 5th. For every day I took pictures of the dogs I have a seperate subdirectory.


Of course on these pictures there are dogs. As long as they don't have there names they are numbered (H1, H2, H3, R1, R2, R3) where the 'H' stands for 'Hündin' (the German word for bitch) and 'R' for 'Rüde' (German for the male dog).


What is the best way to tag these pictures? Later I want to find all the pictures with H1 from the J-litter born on Jan 5th 2012. (Remark: there's also a J-litter born in 1994). Should I use "Keywords" or "People"?


Is there a way to rename all tags 'R1' with 'Jabal' later?


Best regards,


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I had a wolfhound puppy in my childhood, too :) Although I am not sure if he was an Irish or other breed of wolfhound (Caucasus?).


I guess, that Categories\Dogs is the better place rather than People for cataloging dogs. I suggest to determine who many criteria you have to describe dogs: Year of Birth, Sex, Breed, Class, etc...


Below is the sample Categories structure that you may use as a base structure to build your own.



Born (or birthday)


Irish Wolfhound
Caucasus Wolfhound


You can also put Class into Keywords. In this case you can build more flexible queries, for ex:

Get me dogs (which born in 2012-01-08 OR 2012-01-09) AND (Class of J-Litter OR D-Litter)


Just some thoughts...

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