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the mechanics of, and explanation about 'item id'?


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the item-ID is the internal number of an object (photo, movie, document ...) in the Daminion database. The import action creates this unique number and you can't and should never change it. Removing an item from the database (Daminion catalog) and importing the same file again creates an item with a new item-ID.

Please consider: the item is the object in the Daminion catalog and the file is the object on the disc. The item-ID is the connection between both objects.

This is the most important number because all other properties, tags etc. are linked by this number to the item.

For a database view to the Daminion catalog you can use the sqlitebrowser (http://sqlitebrowser.org/). For the Daminion Server catalog you can use the pgAdmin programm that is part of the Daminion Server/PostgreSQL installation.

But be careful - just watching - not changing anything there if you are not familiar with the meaning of the fields and relations.

Regards, Uwe

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Thanks again for the fast response and explanation.

This week I convinced a 'not so computer savvy' friend to buy Daminion basic, and thought there might perhaps be some use in occasionally (help her) renumbering the id's in her library. For example renumber them by order of date created or date imported, or something. But I now understand that this is not a very good idea, and probably not really useful too.

Tag filtering and keywords should cover this all very well.

Daminion is really a fantastic product!

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