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I plan to describe the most commonly used tags (for our FAQ, Wiki and Tutorials), and describe what are they user for. Would love to hear your comments and use cases.




Flags are for quick primary preselection of media files before run a certain action:

For example, before exporting, printing or editing documents. It's visible in the Thumbnails and Full screen modes, and using F, U, X hot-keys you can quickly Flag or Reject the items:


F - Flag item

U - Un-flag item

X - Reject item


"Rejected" flag is useful while selecting the best versions of similar photos.


For example you can select several photos of the same object that you need to put in your marketing collaterals, then run the "Item > Compare Items" command and mark poor quality images by "Rejected" flag, and quality images by Flag and/or Rating.


Note that the "Flag" tag is stored inside the database only and doesn't map to the metadata. Use it for primary sorting only.

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maybe: Flags are for quick primary preselection of items before run a certain action:


I would like to describe the commands in this or similar way:


F - Flagged - and now the example and description: what is it good for?

U - unflagged

R - Rejected - also here the example and description how to use it (photos with poor quality...).


Note that the "Flag" tag is stored inside the database only and doesn't map to the metadata. Use it for primary sorting only.


Regards, Uwe

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Uwe, thanks for the comment. I'll improve my initial post by comments of others. I just thought that we can create a separate forum here to create a Knowledge Base, because maintenance of the Wiki requires some skills and Wiki syntax knowledge for collaborate editing.

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