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Images in Fullscreen Viewer often remain blurred


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I want to report a problem (and a crash, see below) I have with the fullscreen viewer (also with build 779):

Often (about 3-4 of 10 images) the images in the fullscreen viewer remain blurred: When I open an image in fullscreen, there is a short "loading..." phase, the a "rendering..." phase, which takes about 0,5 up to 3 or 5 seconds (which is much too long for my taste), then the image gets sharp. But often the images remain blurred (like in the rendering phase). The I step one image back and one forward, then the image is loaded normaly. This happens about 3-4 times of 10 images, with or without color management. Images viewed are mainly Nikon NEFs & DNGs, my screen resolution is 2560x1600. My feeling is: the larger the files are, the frequent is the "blurry" problem, it seems that the loading / rendering part does not come to an end.

IMHO this is not ok and a bug, this effect makes the fullscreen viewer a pain to use. Do you need any further info, log files, testing ... ?


While testing this bug, this error occured at last (complete error message attached as file):

(Memory consumption of Daminion.exe was near to 1,7 GB in TaskManager at this point)


System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Not enough storage is available to process this command

at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.CreateCompatibleDIB(IntPtr hdc, IntPtr hpal, Int32 ulWidth, Int32 ulHeight, IntPtr& ppvBits)

at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.CreateBuffer(IntPtr src, Int32 offsetX, Int32 offsetY, Int32 width, Int32 height)

at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.AllocBuffer(Graphics targetGraphics, IntPtr targetDC, Rectangle targetRectangle)

at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.AllocBufferInTempManager(Graphics targetGraphics, IntPtr targetDC, Rectangle targetRectangle)

at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.Allocate(IntPtr targetDC, Rectangle targetRectangle)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)





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But often the images remain blurred (like in the rendering phase). The I step one image back and one forward, then the image is loaded normaly. This happens about 3-4 times of 10 images, with or without color management. Images viewed are mainly Nikon NEFs & DNGs, my screen resolution is 2560x1600. My feeling is: the larger the files are, the frequent is the "blurry" problem, it seems that the loading / rendering part does not come to an end.


This happens with 3-4000px (or larger) jpg images as well.




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I think, this "part" of daminion is not yet "ready for start of delivery".

The tagging and cataloging part is done very well and has barely bugs, it's a pleasure to work with, but the fullscreen view is still a "construction area" both for bugs and performance.




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Thanks for the detailed info. We'll investigate this problem in the upcoming Daminion versions.


Can you reproduce this problem with large JPEG images and if you switch CM off?


With "CM off" it is also reproducable.

I'll try it today in the evening with JPGs and keep you informed ...


Shall I enable logging for Daminion for this case, is the log helpful for your analysis?

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Yes. Please. BTW do you work with Shared or Local catalogs?


Local only ...


Win7/64 system on 120GB SSD, 8GB memory, i7 8 cores 3,8 GHz, 67K images on 3TB SATA2 HD, Daminion DB on SSD ... endless power ... other programs for image display work blazing fast (Photomechanic, exifpro, ViewNX2, even Nikon Capture NX2) ... but image display stumbles with Daminion ... I'm a little bit frustrated :sad:

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Thanks for the detailed info. We'll investigate this problem in the upcoming Daminion versions.


Can you reproduce this problem with large JPEG images and if you switch CM off?


Yes, I can reproduce it with JPG only files and CM off: first image OK, second image gets not sharp and is blurred.

See logfile attached. Is there anything else I can do to help you locating the bug ?


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Additional info:


If I move through images in fullscreen viewer with the keyboard arrows and I wait about 3-5 seconds, after an image has got sharp and pess the arrow key to go to the next image, the "remain blurred" bug does not happen so often.

But when I step forward to the next image immediately after an image has got sharp, then the "remain blurred" bug happens after a few images (3-5).

Hope this helps a little bit.

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Forgot to ask you whether your images are located on a local or remote drive? Does the problem is reproduced when the files are stored in a local drive?


The images are all on a local drive (3TB SATA2, transfer rate 150 - 200 MB/sec, tested with "hd tune")

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I have the same problem with the viewer. In older versions I got periodically a blank screen while viewing images in full screen.


(already reported here: https://daminion.net/...ch__1#entry2811 )



Now Daminion becomes at a certain point to be almost unusable, blank screen and/or the image stays blurry infinite, the whole system becomes sluggish. At the end I have to restart Daminion to get it in order to work again.


This does happen after viewing a certain amount of images without any problems. I made a video to show you what happens exactly.

@Murat I send you the link to that video separately to support at daminion.


The Images and the catalog are on a local drive and I have the cm switched off.

The catalog is not shared.


The problem does only occur on large catalogs with 50k images. Small catalogs with only few hundred images are ok.

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Rawshooter, thanks for the video.


The problem might be due to a too large cache size that lead to the "out of memory" problem.


I'll send you a link to the test 781 build by email. Could you please:

- Update your Daminion version to 781

- Create a new catalog

- Import 100-200 photos

- Try to reproduce the issue


If the issue appears again please tell me how many memory was taken by the Daminion in the Task Manager.


Just in case I suggest you to revert back to the 779 build right after the testing, cause we didn't test the 781 version completely yet.

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Hi Murat,


I tried to follow the steps you suggested but unfortunately with 781 I could not import any files into a new catalog at all.


Right after installation of 781 I created a fresh new catalog and selected 300 files for import.

Daminion started then to import but after the import has finished, a new window popped up, saying that an "error occurred while importing" and the catalog still remains empty.



I tried this several times with different files and file types but without any success.

Then I opend an already existing catalog and with this, I could import the same files without any problems.




So I started my test with 781 with old catalogs.



With a small catalog of about 300 files, I got no errors at all. Everything is just blazing fast. Images rendered in full screen preview within a second or even faster.



But with a larger catalog of 50k files everything becomes a bit slower.

I could scroll through the images until image number 30 or so. After that, the problems started.


Sometimes I got only a blank screen and sometimes Daminion says "rendering" for more than 30 seconds until it turns to a sharp preview. (But as I mentioned before, the same file in the small catalog is just ready in a second!)



Right after starting Daminion with the big catalog, the allocated RAM for Daminion.exe is about 40Megs and after scrolling through the images in full screen view, it grows up to 170 Megs. The cpu usage is recurrently hitting the 100% mark.




I hope these info's are somehow helpful for you. If you need more info, please let me know.


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My test results with the new 784 are the same as it was with 781.


Now it's possible to import into new catalogs but the rest is still the same.

Okay with a small catalog and almost unusable with the big one. The shown values in the resource monitor are the same to.

So overall I can say, that I can see no change so far. - At least for me.

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Created a new small catalog with build 784 with 1200 NEFs.

Same here: about 30 min after import 25% CPU usage without doing anything in Daminion, then the CPU usage goeas down to near zero.

Scrolling through the images in fullscreen view: after about 5-7 images they remain blurred, see attached screenshot of TaskMgr (independent of CM on or off).

Conclusion: with build 784 the blurred image problem is still there ...


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I keep my fingers crossed, that the Daminion team finds a solution for the fullscreen problem, although it seems to be a little bit difficult ...

Please contact me, if any further help or testing from my side is possible and needful.



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I keep my fingers crossed, that the Daminion team finds a solution for the fullscreen problem, although it seems to be a little bit difficult ...

Please contact me, if any further help or testing from my side is possible and needful.




I tested also and I noticed that a "blurred" view will be refreshed when going back and forth sometimes. Then the text "Rendering" is displayed again and the image refreshes.



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