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Metadata amended in Dam, not reflected in Windows Explorer


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Hello again


My catalog includes quite a lot of photos which were jps created by scanning real paper photos. The original creationdate was the date they were scanned.


I've spent a lot (and I mean a lot!) of time going through these files in Daminion, amending the CreationDate to more accurately reflect the date the photos were taken.


When I had finished, I synched everything so that the metadata was written back to the files.


When I look at my photos directory in Windows Explorer, I am very happy to see that the "tags" information and the "ratings" information appears.


However, no matter which of the (many!) available dates I choose to display, I can't find a date available in Windows Explorer which contains the metadata from the CREATIONDATE in Daminion.


To illustrate, here is a screenshot from the Daminion catalogue showing a particular jpg where I manually amended the creationdate. (I have DEFINITELY synched the file)


You can see that the file is called 03782.jpg, and the creationdate (which I put in manually) is 1/11/97


I have attached a second screenshot showing the view in Windows explorer. The creationdate is the original date the file was scanned.


Is this field not included when synching?

Or is there another field I should be using please?


Thanks for your help





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Hi dannahaz,


if you analyse the metadata by ExifTool (Actions->Show all Metadata) you'll see that Daminion didn't update the EXIF Tags (except the EXIF:Software tag). As far as I know the Windows Explorer displays the EXIF data.

We had a discussion about that: https://daminion.net/user-forum/index.php?/topic/876-question-should-daminion-writemodify-exif-datetime/

I suggest you to customize the Daminion Preferences -> Writing Metadata -> Add compatibility with old programs.

Then Daminions writes the EXIF:DateTimeOriginal tag,


Regards, Uwe

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  On 2/10/2013 at 1:29 PM, dannahaz said:

Thanks for your reply UWE.

I've changed the setting as you suggested (For my reference later, it was in Edit>Preferences...).

I presume I need to synch again. That takes a while so I'll try that tonight.


Thanks again




UPDATE: I found a couple of additional photos to import, so I used those as a test. When I synched, the dates attached to those files now show in Windows as the correct date that the photo was taken.


Thanks Uwe.

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