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649 : Bug in recently assign tag


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If this problem dissapeared please send me your Settings.xml file


Still same problem.

Here is some more results on how to reproduce it or not.


- Open Daminion,

- hide and display thumbnail captions. (press "I" button twice)

- Now in thumbnail, if you try to display recently assign tag list, you can't display it anymore. (Display list is flickering.)


Now, open and close Customize Thumbnail caption and you are able to display correctly "Recently Assign Tag list".


Now, If you clic twice on "I" button (hide/show caption) problem is here again.


Win XP SP3 / 32 bits

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What if to dock "Recently assigned tags" panel somewhere?

It's opened and closed twice.


If I clic to display it :

it open, close, open, close, and finally open the docked panel.


Now, if I clic to close it :

it close, open, close, open and close the docked panel.


Now, If I select from menu "Window/Recently assigned tag", it open correctly (once) the panel.

If I unselect this from menu, it closes normally this panel.

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