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[591] How to remove some user Catalog Tags sorting list


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The only possible way to remove them at the moment is by deleting (or renaming) this folder:

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Daminion Software\Daminion\1.0\SettingsCache


Don't forget to close Daminion before deleting (or renaming).


The above folder location is for Windows 7. To determine where Daminion stores its settings please press Ctrl + F12 key combination in the Daminion Client/Standalone version.

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The only possible way to remove them at the moment is by deleting (or renaming) this folder:

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Daminion Software\Daminion\1.0\SettingsCache


Ok, so this means that later a dedicated window will be available, or may be just a right click on it will open a popup window with "delete" choice. (will be faster and more direct to do.)


Thanks for answer.



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Great, This has been added in build 595.


I thought to find something more simple and more direct, something like this :



- A right clic on preset to delete

- select 'Delete' on pop up menu

- and confirm delete.

I guess there is some technical limitation for this 'simple' option.


Anyway, the way it has been added in build 595 will also do the job.



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