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Tag "Creation Datetime" ; where is it


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Hi Murat,


Daminion is a very, very interesting program. I am looking for years to get a simple DAM and Daminion seams to be such a program. From time to time i am testing it. I am digitizing my old "analog" fotos, and add the original creation date to the exif-data.


But now I am missing in Daminion under Catalog Tags the tag "Creation Datetime". In 0.9.0 (525) there I can find it between Event and People, but in 0.9.5 (570) there my loved "Creation Datetime" is missung, so I can not look für fotos using a timeline. https://daminion.net/user-forum/public/style_emoticons/default/girl_cray2.gif


Is this timeline hidden somewhere else? I did not find anything in another place. Without this timeline, the programm wold loose very much of its usability.


Please help me, where can I find it?


Thanks a lot in advance.



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