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[2693] Issue when moving files from one folder to another


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I've been having an issue when moving files from one folder to another in Daminion for a while. What happens is the file is correctly moved in the file system but the folder path in Daminion stays as the original one. I do not recall on which version this started to happen. It has not been a big issue as I found a while ago that updating the RelativePath field in the Files table fixes the issue.

This doesn't happens with all files. Just yesterday I found what's happening.

At some point, there was an update that added a field "id_mediaitem" in the files table. At some other point, at least in my database, the files.id field became different than the files.id_mediaitem. What I found in the debug log is the following update sentence is assuming the id field is equal the MediaItemId which is not:

UPDATE Files SET OfflineFilePath = @OfflineFilePath, RelativePath = @RelativePath WHERE IsPrimary and Id = @MediaItemId (@OfflineFilePath=\\htpc\Folder2, @RelativePath=\\htpc\Folder2, @MediaItemId=2306236)

I think the update should point to the files.id_mediaitem field so it is the right one in all cases. Hope this can be fixed on the next versions.

I'm adding the log entries of the procedure:

2022-06-27 00:52:18,919 [21] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.MoveItemToFolderCommand [(null)] - Start: (881)
2022-06-27 00:52:18,925 [21] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select ID, Value, HelperValue, ParentValueId, IndexedTagId, SortOrder, IsGroup, HasChilds, IsDefaultValue, HierarchyLevel, Id_Icon, IsApproved, exists (select 1 from (select outTagId, outTagValueId, inTagId, inTagValueId from tagLinks) t where (t.outTagId = indexedtagid and t.outTagValueId = id) or (t.inTagid = indexedtagid and t.inTagValueId = id)) as HasTagLinks from Folder_Table where Id = @Id (@Id=4472)
2022-06-27 00:52:18,929 [21] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select ID, Value, HelperValue, ParentValueId, IndexedTagId, SortOrder, IsGroup, HasChilds, IsDefaultValue, HierarchyLevel, Id_Icon, IsApproved, exists (select 1 from (select outTagId, outTagValueId, inTagId, inTagValueId from tagLinks) t where (t.outTagId = indexedtagid and t.outTagValueId = id) or (t.inTagid = indexedtagid and t.inTagValueId = id)) as HasTagLinks from Folder_Table where Id = @Id (@Id=3934)
2022-06-27 00:52:18,933 [21] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select ID, Value, HelperValue, ParentValueId, IndexedTagId, SortOrder, IsGroup, HasChilds, IsDefaultValue, HierarchyLevel, Id_Icon, IsApproved, exists (select 1 from (select outTagId, outTagValueId, inTagId, inTagValueId from tagLinks) t where (t.outTagId = indexedtagid and t.outTagValueId = id) or (t.inTagid = indexedtagid and t.inTagValueId = id)) as HasTagLinks from Folder_Table where Id = @Id (@Id=1848)
2022-06-27 00:52:18,936 [21] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select ID, Value, HelperValue, ParentValueId, IndexedTagId, SortOrder, IsGroup, HasChilds, IsDefaultValue, HierarchyLevel, Id_Icon, IsApproved, exists (select 1 from (select outTagId, outTagValueId, inTagId, inTagValueId from tagLinks) t where (t.outTagId = indexedtagid and t.outTagValueId = id) or (t.inTagid = indexedtagid and t.inTagValueId = id)) as HasTagLinks from Folder_Table where Id = @Id (@Id=1847)
2022-06-27 00:52:18,940 [21] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select RelativePath, FileName from Files where isPrimary and Id_MediaItem = @MediaItemId (@MediaItemId=2306236)
2022-06-27 00:52:19,586 [21] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - UPDATE Files SET OfflineFilePath = @OfflineFilePath, RelativePath = @RelativePath WHERE IsPrimary and Id = @MediaItemId (@OfflineFilePath=\\htpc\Folder2, @RelativePath=\\htpc\Folder2, @MediaItemId=2306236)
2022-06-27 00:52:19,594 [21] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - UPDATE Folder_File SET Id_Value = @FolderId where Id_MediaItem = @MediaItemId (@FolderId=4472, @MediaItemId=2306236)
2022-06-27 00:52:19,600 [21] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.MoveItemToFolderCommand [(null)] - End: (881)


Thanks and regards!

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