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Scan Folders


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I also feel that if a folder is empty, the rescan feature should remove it...


I was just thinking the same while trying it out.


Also, if you happen to rescan one of these "ghost folders", the scan hangs, Daminion shows all files as synced, and you get an error message saying there are unfinished jobs when you close the program.

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I was just thinking the same while trying it out.


We'll add an ability to remove empty folders.


Also, if you happen to rescan one of these "ghost folders", the scan hangs, Daminion shows all files as synced, and you get an error message saying there are unfinished jobs when you close the program.


Will be fixed. Thanks.

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I was testing the Rescan Folders Feature:

It creates duplicates in the same folder...


I'll try to reproduce this issue on our test media collection and my home photo gallery.


If anyone will be able to reproduce this issue please let us know!

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