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Sort by MediaFormat (v. 535 Server and Client))


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there are 105 test files in the catalog. I used the sort order by MediaFormat. I got the following sort sequence:


WAV, PDF, MP3, MPEG1-2, Avi(DivX), DNG, PSD, CR2, Flac, TIFF, MPEG4, JPEG, MOV.


I don't understand this sort order.


Regards, Uwe

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I don't expect a alphabetical order but I expected to have all image formats in one group, the music formats in an other group etc.


Did you mean an alphabetical order of tags in Catalog Tags panel or files in thumbnail workspace?


Grouping tags in Catalog Tags is not implemented yet (for ex: Video, Images, Documents for Media Formats; Canon, Nikon, Tamron for Camera Lens, etc...)

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I mean the thumbnail or list view in the workspace. Media formats for me are: Image - with CR2, NEF, DNG, TIF, ..., Music - with WAV, FLAC, MP3..., Movies - with MPG, MOW AVI..., may be Office Documents - with DOC, XLS, PPT.... Not sure how to handle PDF. It can belong to Office documents and to Images. The current sort order "Media format" is neither a sort by file extension nor by a group of media formats that belong together.


Regards, Uwe

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Interesting idea.. I would say that users should be able to control this via a sort dropdown... most users will sort by either filename or "photo" date... having another sort option to group by extension (with a filename subsort within) is a good idea.


But adding an option to sort by file extension doesn't resolve the Uwe's issue, because he wants to group files by media format. Sorting by MediaFormat in the current Daminion version is very close to sorting by file extension

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to have the maximum flexibility the user has to define its own groups (Media Format) in the customizing and then to assign the the file extension to these groups (e.g. matrix with flags: column = Media Format, row = File Extension). Within the groups should be an alphabetical order. Then I can decide to assign PDF, DOC, TXT to the Media Format "Office/Text Document" and not to "Image". The File Extension can't assigned to more then one Media Format.

But for the first release this is not a "must have" for me. An alphabetical sort by File Extension, in the current release by Media Format, should be o.k. for me.


Regards, Uwe

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Hi Murat,


then the sort can be done by this Media Format Group and not by Media Format. The sort by the internal GUID for the files extension (Media Format) doesn't make sense for me because I don't know the assignment of GUID and File Typ and I'm friend of an alphabetical sort algorythm.


Regards, Uwe

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