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ALT only hides TOP folder, sub folders still SHOW


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I have several hard drives plugged into Daminion Server.



Sometimes I wish to hide the entire content of one of the drives. However, when I click the drive name (Top of the folder chain) it does not hide any of the sub folders on that drive. And given the amount of sub folders, it is not time efficient to ALT click while selecting each sub folder to hide it.


I tried selecting several sub folders before clicking while holding ALT, however, it only hides the subfolder that my mouse is over when I click,,all the others that were selected become unselected,,and still visible.


Anyone else have this issue? ( I am still keywording and sorting, otherwise I would have a keyword for each particular drive that I could use to get around this issue....till then tho... :-/)


Appreciate any thoughts :-) Thank you

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Hi ShadeWalker,



Sometimes I wish to hide the entire content of one of the drives. However, when I click the drive name (Top of the folder chain) it does not hide any of the sub folders on that drive. And given the amount of sub folders, it is not time efficient to ALT click while selecting each sub folder to hide it.



I have probably misunderstood you,but why just ALT-click on the top folder doesn't work for you? This action hides the contents of all sub-folders from the view.



Kind regards,


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  • 2 months later...

Hi ShadeWalker,




I have probably misunderstood you,but why just ALT-click on the top folder doesn't work for you? This action hides the contents of all sub-folders from the view.



Kind regards,



Yep, that seems to do the trick.Looks like I myself may have had a misunderstanding of what the software was doing that day. All is well! ( And efficient w Daminion!)

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