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Feature Request: PSB Support


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Hi Murat and Team,


I really, badly, need support for Photoshop's "Big Brother" to the common PSD format.


Nearly all of my panoramic images require PSB format (because of their size). PSD can't support more than 30,000 pixels either vertically or horizontally and can't even do a 2GB file size; it's so "last year." :negative:


I really need my PSBs. :ok:





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  On 1/15/2014 at 3:10 PM, Rene said:

But keep in mind, you can't export those big pictures


It will be possible soon. Waiting a new version of the image processing library that we use in Daminion.




How about a feature request to create that .JPG for me?


Could you please explain your suggestion?

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  On 1/16/2014 at 4:17 PM, Murat Korkmazov said:

Could you please explain your suggestion?


Hi Murat,


I'm not sure if I can... You had previously said "to assign a thumbnail you need to create a small thumbnail file and name it as filename.ext.thumb.jpg and put in the same folder."


I was hoping that Daminion could do that for me automatically if it can't generate an internal thumbnail for me.





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Hi Murat,


It sounds like full compatibility is coming with the new version of the image processing library you use internally?


Can you confirm that and check on the date that library will be provided?


Sorry to be impatient, I reported my need for PSB support about a year ago.





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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Murat,


So excited to see PSB support in the new version... How do I get Daminion to build those thumbnails? I tried the CTRL+B option, found in the Item menu, for "Update Thumbnail" but that didn't change anything.


I have a couple of samples I'm trying - one is a 67 Megabyte PSB, the other is about 20 Gigabytes. Neither update to show anything but the purple image shown here:


Here's what I have onscreen:






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Hi Russell,


Daminion 3.0 can display thumbnails for PSB files using sidecar thumbnails. You need create a small jpeg thumbnail by Photoshop of your PSB images and place them in the same folder with PSB files. Save thumbnail as:



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  • 2 months later...

Okay, now I've been tinkering with this a bit...


First, Daminion Team, this seems to give me a thumbnail - but the Preview image still says "PSB no *.thumb.jpg found", which mostly defeats the point of making the thumbnails (at least for me). Is this something you can fix so the Preview shows my image's JPG? :victory:


If you have control over that thumbnail, by the way, it shouldn't say "no *.thumb.jpg found" it should say "no *.PSB.thumb.jpg found" (might help some future users)


Also, has anyone made a Photoshop Action or Script to do this in bulk? I have hundreds of PSBs and they are intermixed with my JPGs, so I haven't found a simple solution.





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Hi Murat and team,


This isn't working for me for most of my images. I just got the new release installed (1026).


For files of any reasonable large size (which is the whole point of the PSB format, as I understand it), instead of the former purple icon that showed a lack of thumbnail, instead I get a thin grey horizontal rectangle - nothing visible about the image at all.


PSBs are generally intended for images over 4GB. Since the product I used to maintain my collection previously (iMatch from Photools.com) did such a great job with them, I went ahead and used PSB as my standard Photoshop format.


I just did a little experiment. I took a 500MB PSB that Daminion wouldn't thumbnail, I opened it in Photoshop, and saved it as a PSD. Amazingly, the file size jumped from 540MB to 1.17GB. Not sure why that's how it works - but anyway...


Daminion won't thumbnail either image. Let me know how I could send you these, if you want.





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Russell, it seems that our image processing library doesn't correctly render large PSB images. I've just sent a sample PSB image (15'000x20'000px) to the library developers. Let's wait for their response.


I also saved the PSB image preview as JPEG file and placed it in the same folder where the original PSB image was located and Daminion use it instead of rendering the original file.


The thumbnail name format is: image.psb.thumb.jpg

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Hi Murat,


Thank you for your attention to this issue - it's particularly important to me.


I did discover that I somehow have a thumbnail for a single PSB (a 6.4GB Panoramic). I don't have a .JPG for that particular image, so Daminion must have somehow created a thumbnail for it; but my success is VERY limited. That's the only successful one I've identified out of at least a couple hundred PSBs; can't think of anything that might be unique about it - without checking, it might be a flattened/single layer image, while most probably are not.





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Hi Murat,


Here's a screen capture of my current PSB situation.




Notice a few things:


1. Most files aren't getting thumbnails generated - can't identify clear differences in which ones do get thumbnails.


2. The "Preview" window doesn't show a thumbnail even when there is one.


3. I get a variety of icons - some have thumbnails, some have a flattened picture frame, some have the chain links, a few have pure black previews. (Also, no idea why I have the question marks - all these files are available... I'm haunted by these damn question marks.)


Hope this helps. I am happy to provide most of these files if you'd like them (please note their file sizes before you're sure you want them).





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The only way to have a deal with large PSB images is by creating their JPEG previews using the Photoshop and place them on the same folder where original PSB images are located. And name them as yourimage.psb.thumb.jpg.


For example, save your turntable.psb image as turntable.psb.thumb.jpg using your Photoshop and then invoke the "Item > Update Thumbnail" command.


BTW I asked you to do this before.

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Hi Murat,


I recall that you asked me to do that before - and I was doing it... Until you alerted me that Daminion now natively supports PSBs. See your comments here: PSB Native Support


It's hard for me to follow what's supported and what isn't with mixed messages. I was continuing to comment here, hoping to provide some assistance for this "native implementation", fully knowing that it's beta - but figuring you'd want the feedback from users who tried it.



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