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Req: Orientation


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Thanks Peter - I just found it. The "orientation" is strategically hidden under the "proportion" label ;). I still wonder why I didn't see it even under that name...


I am not a native speaker but I feel that "proportion" describes something like 2:3, 4:3, 16:9 or whatever. While portrait and landscape would be orientations? At least in other applications I always saw that term beeing used. Maybe a native speaker can clarify?

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Hi Franky;


I would agree that most people and software probably refers to it as orientation, and usually just consider Portrait and Landscape.


Proportion often refers to 4:3 16:9, but also the more general sense of wider than tall and all the variations of that.


In this case I guess the inclusion of Square extends the set beyond the usual "Orientation".


Overall, I would guess that most people when looking for the this info will look for Orientation, so I guess I would recommend that in preference to Proportion ( mostly on the fewest generated questions level) , but both of them work for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not the native English speaker either, but you are right: I've also checked a few micro stock sites (ShutterStock, Fotolia and 123RF) and they use "Orientation" word to distinct the images with landscape an portrait orientation.


We will correct this on the next Daminion update. Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

In the current build (449) there is neither Orientation nor Proportion.


I checked the "all" setting and also "customize". "Media Format" now is directly followed by "Software". Am I looking in the wrong places again?


Btw. In the "Properties" window its still called "Proportion".

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  • 6 months later...

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