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932 Thumbnails for WMV files not being generated


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Hi there!


Happy new year! :)


I've noticed thumbnails for WMV files are not being generated (screenshot attached bellow). According to the imported date of previous files it seems it was working before build 922. Also noticed that if I use the "Update Thumbnail" feature over files for which the thumbnail was successfully generated on previous builds, it now replace it with the "No thumbnail" image and the following exception is loged:




2014-01-03 09:53:07,704 [52] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.PrecalculateQueryResultCommand [(null)] - Start: (5569)
2014-01-03 09:53:07,707 [52] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(distinct m.Id) from MediaItems m  where not m.Deleted
and  exists (select 1 from Custom_9448acef_dcb8_48d0_9e78_0377bf406c44_File where ID_Value = @c4af219be4e5419d86f4c64dc53bd79d and m.ID = ID_MediaItem)   (@c4af219be4e5419d86f4c64dc53bd79d=1, @UserGuid=4c8027eb-7804-4a4f-ac88-cdd8dfbe4bd9)
2014-01-03 09:53:08,363 [106] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select ImageOrientation from image where ID_MediaItem = @Id (@Id=1126156)
2014-01-03 09:53:08,881 [106] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select f.Id, f.ModifiedTime from Files f left join MediaItems m on f.ID = m.ID_File where m.ID = @Id (@Id=1126156)
2014-01-03 09:53:08,882 [106] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.LoggedMetadataService [(null)] - Start: GetPreviewAsJPEGStream - \\htpc\Video\20131130_a.wmv
2014-01-03 09:53:08,982 [106] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.LoggedMetadataService [(null)] - Start: GetMediaFormat - \\htpc\Video\20131130_a.wmv
2014-01-03 09:53:08,983 [106] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.LoggedMetadataService [(null)] - End: GetMediaFormat - \\htpc\Video\20131130_a.wmv
2014-01-03 09:53:08,984 [106] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.LoggedMetadataService [(null)] - Start: GetDefaultMediaFormatThumbnail - PicaJet.Daminion.MediaProcessing.MediaFormat
2014-01-03 09:53:08,984 [106] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.LoggedMetadataService [(null)] - End: GetDefaultMediaFormatThumbnail - PicaJet.Daminion.MediaProcessing.MediaFormat
2014-01-03 09:53:08,984 [106] WARN  PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetThumbnailServiceCommandV2 [(null)] - PicaJet.Daminion.Common.UnableToRenderMediaFileException: Unable to Render the File, file: \\htpc\Video\20131130_a.wmv, processor: VideoProcessor
  at PicaJet.Daminion.MediaProcessing.MediaProcessingEngine.RaiseUnableToRenderMediaFileException(MediaInfo mediaInfo)
  at PicaJet.Daminion.MediaProcessing.MediaProcessingEngine.RenderAndRotatePreview(String file, RenderInfo renderInfo, MediaInfo mediaInfo)
  at PicaJet.Daminion.MediaProcessing.MediaProcessingEngine.GetPreview(String file, RenderInfo renderInfo, OutputFormat outputFormat)
  at PicaJet.Daminion.MediaProcessing.MediaProcessingEngine.GetPreviewAsBitmap(String file, RenderInfo renderInfo)
  at PicaJet.Daminion.MediaProcessing.MediaProcessingEngine.GetPreviewAsJPEGStream(String file, RenderInfo[] renderInfo, Boolean useLargestPreviewAsHost)
  at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.LoggedMetadataService.GetPreviewAsJPEGStream(String file, RenderInfo[] renderInfo, Boolean useLargestPreviewAsHost) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\LoggedMetadataService.cs:line 232
  at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.RenderHelper.Render(String filePath, RenderInfo[] renders, DbConnection connection) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\Helper\RenderHelper.cs:line 47
  at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetThumbnailServiceCommandV2.GenerateCacheFileClass.GenerateCacheFileAndSaveStack(DbConnection connection) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\Command\GetThumbnailServiceCommandV2.cs:line 321
  at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetThumbnailServiceCommandV2.Treat(DbConnection connection) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\Command\GetThumbnailServiceCommandV2.cs:line 118
2014-01-03 09:53:08,985 [106] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetThumbnailServiceCommand [(null)] - End: (5567) - 1126156 - 152 - 152



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