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Missing "Esc" key support


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It can happen that I unintentionally enter wrong data in a tag field or just choose the wrong tag field. In such occasion I would expect that pressing the ESC key will immediately undo that task but in fact it does nothing.


Nothing serious, just FYI


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Actually, I mean every text box in Daminion.

Yes, there is an undo button for the properties panel but there are more text boxes like the search box for instance which has no undo.

Because of those cases I am used to use the esc key. Each software (windows) I use or know of, it works the way I described.

Enter wrong characters? Just hit esc, the text will be deleted and the text box loses its focus. Just like as nothing had happens.


As I said, not a problem at all. It only just doesn´t work as expected. That´s all I wanted to say.




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