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727 - Rounding Focal Lenght


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please see the screenshots.

Daminion_727_Rounding_FocalLenght_01.JPG Daminion_727_Rounding_FocalLenght_02.JPG


In the EXIF:FocalLenght the value = 37/20 --> 1,85

The ExifTool rounds it to 1,9 and Daminion truncates the last digit in this case --> 1.8

In the database (focallenght_table) are both values: 1.8 and 1.85.

What kind of rounding is implemented in Daminion or should the information be equal from ExifTool and Daminion?

There is no difference between shared and local catalog.

I suggest to store the rounded values in the database and not to "manipulate" the data for the view in the client. The values in the database and in the User Interface should be equal.


In: http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B196652&x=6&y=10 Microsoft describes the rounding


also here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding


Regards, Uwe

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