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Bug: Change Displayed Tags


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I just imported a couple of images (JPEG and RAW) and all the tags that I have displayed are shown without the need to refresh them.


I suppose you are talking about the tags that are displayed underneath the thumbnail images in catalog view?


Maybe one from the dev-team already has an idea what might causes this. But probably it would be helpfull if you could describe the exact steps youre doing which leads to this problem. That way others can try to reproduce it.

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Another Question: How can i restore the original compound terms (shutter etc..), when i deleted one?


We'll add an option to restore compound tags on the upcoming builds. Below are the steps to restore the default captions:

- Launch Daminion

- Press F12 key

- Switch to Daminion and close it

- On the appeared window locate this folder: "1.0\SettingsCache"

and rename it to "1.0\~SettingsCache".

- Launch Daminion and you will see the default captions

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