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Feature Request - Export Custom Tags


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I'd like to export my custom tags as all the other tags.

I need to backup them in txt files, because I created a lot of tags which are not assigned to any files yet, so I can't recreate them from the files if I have to reinstall the program or something.


Thanks and regards,


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Following this idea, another feature which would be good is to purge invalid tags.

I mean all tags which have been created (present in the list) but not used by any images.


This could be done in two ways :

- by individuals tags : In Catalog tag panel, Right clic on selected tag and choose 'purge invalid tags'

- by global tags : in Preference window, in a new option : Purge tag, Select 'purge all unused tags'

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I'd like to export my custom tags as all the other tags.

I need to backup them in txt files, because I created a lot of tags which are not assigned to any files yet, so I can't recreate them from the files if I have to reinstall the program or something.


We can add custom tags to the exporting tag list.

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Following this idea, another feature which would be good is to purge invalid tags.

I mean all tags which have been created (present in the list) but not used by any images.


This could be done in two ways :

- by individuals tags : In Catalog tag panel, Right clic on selected tag and choose 'purge invalid tags'

- by global tags : in Preference window, in a new option : Purge tag, Select 'purge all unused tags'


We plan to add an option named "Remove unused tags" into Catalog Tags context menu, but due our roadmap for the upcoming 2 builds is completed with a list of feature, so this can be incorporated into the future Daminion versions.

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As a temporary solution you can:

1. Select a temporary JPEG file in the thumbnails area (may be a self created image in Photoshop)

2. Select all the custom tags in the left panel

3. Right click on the selection and select "Assign Selected tags to selected files" option.

4. Right click on the selected thumbnails and select Actions > Write Tags To File option

5. Import this file to another catalog (or move it: Item > Move to...)


Now Catalog Tags should be populated by Custom Tags extracted from this temporary file.

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