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DNG Rendering AND Auto-update after edit?


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Hi.. was just playing around with a DNG file and Photoshop to see how a possible workflow would work at the moment.. so, here is what I did:


1 - Chose a DNG image and used the "open with Photoshop CS6" - image opened in Camera Raw

2 - Make a few significant edits to the image in RAW and hit the Done button - CR is setup to update the preview

3 - Ensured the preview was correctly updated by viewing in Idimager

4 - Noticed that Daminion does NOT display the new thumbnail until you manually refresh the thumb.

5 - Double-clicked the image and noticed that the render still displayed the old image and not the updated one...


So, was wondering if you could explain how Daminion is rendering full screen DNG images - can the preview be used as a option for accurate and fast rendering?


Also, is there the possibility of adding an auto-refresh to the main program so a manual thumbnail rebuild isn't necessary to see the changes? If globablly this is too resource intensive, perhaps just as part of the check-out and check-in process only?


Many thx again! - Andy.l

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In the latest Daminion version (596 buid) you should manually refresh an image thumbnail via context menu (Ctrl + B). And Daminion will display the changed image correctly in the Full Screen mode after updating it's thumbnail.


The thumbnail also will be updated after checking the file in.


As you correctly noticed, Daminion uses built-in RAW JPEG previews of DNG files to render the images because this is the only way to correctly see RAW image outside of the RAW Editor (like Camera RAW).


We plan to add some sort of real-time file watching feature soon to update outsidely changed files.


BTW did you check this issue with a shared or local catalog?

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I checked this with a local catalog only.. but do see this is working more "automated" with the check out/check in feature.... was hoping perhaps we could have an option to not show the check out message box after reading it the first time - perhaps a "don't show" checkbox option to not display that upon check out each time? I guess my above workflow will need to alter to include the check out and check in or just remember to Ctrl-B until the auto watch feature is added in.


Working good so far though Murat... congrats on coming so far already with the software!

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