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3010 - FR 2.0 - remove wrong name in the People Tag


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When I assign people in FR2.0, their name is entered in the people tag. However, I now also have "old stock" or incorrectly named persons. If I now assign the correct name to the person, it is entered in addition to the already existing person tag. So I have to leave FR and delete the wrong name from the person tag.

But you can switch to the full screen view in FR by double-clicking. I would like to be able to open the full screen view in edit mode at this point in order to delete the wrong person's name.

Regards, Uwe

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Hello, It is not quite clear what is meant. 
We have a face name and a people tag. A face can have only one name. A file with a people tag can have multiple values. We don't remove the people tag from the file when the face name is changed, and this is done on purpose, but it only happens in fullscreen. In the module window, if the name of the face has changed, the tag in people will change.


But you can switch to the full screen view in FR by double-clicking. I would like to be able to open the full screen view in edit mode at this point in order to delete the wrong person's name.


 When you double-click, the fullscreen is intentionally made in read-only mode and we won't change that. This view is only needed to better identify the face in the photo (by associated tags for example or from the file name) 

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Hi Oleg,

thanks for replay. I should have correctly written People tag and not person because of the different table in the database.

Here is a hopefully better explanation: I have many people tags with "unknown person", because at the time I may not have known the name (eg from old family photos of the relatives). To distinguish from photos without people on them, i.e. without people tag, I chose this general tag. Now, with time and consultation with relatives, I can match the previously unknown people with FR names. As a result, the photo now has two people tags: "unknown person" and the correct name, e.g. "Max Muster". To delete the "unknown person" tag, I have to exit FR, select the photo and then delete the "unknown person" tag. If I could do this in the Full Screen View window within FR, which only opens in read mode, I save a lot of cumbersome steps to delete the "unknown person" tag.

regards, Uwe

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