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Feature Request


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Its possible that these capabilities already exist and I just haven't found them yet-- in that case i would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.


1. Ability to Delete/Move/Rename folders from within daminion (and have daminion library updated to reflect changes, of course)

2. Ability to copy/move files from one folder to another

3. When re-scanning a folder have daminion update the folder structure to reflect any changes (new folders created, renamed, deleted) made outside of daminion





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Its possible that these capabilities already exist and I just haven't found them yet-- in that case i would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.


1. Ability to Delete/Move/Rename folders from within daminion (and have daminion library updated to reflect changes, of course)

2. Ability to copy/move files from one folder to another


File/Folder management is limited in the Daminion 0.9.0 version. But of course it will improved.


3. When re-scanning a folder have daminion update the folder structure to reflect any changes (new folders created, renamed, deleted) made outside of daminion


"Rescan folders" feature will be completely rewritten to the Daminion 0.9.1 version. We already have a preliminary version that is almost ready to be released but we'll test it for some time to avoid releasing unstable builds.

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  • 6 months later...

File/Folder management is limited in the Daminion 0.9.0 version. But of course it will improved.




"Rescan folders" feature will be completely rewritten to the Daminion 0.9.1 version. We already have a preliminary version that is almost ready to be released but we'll test it for some time to avoid releasing unstable builds.



Are these features in current versions? I'm running 0.9.6 and not finding much in the way of file/folder management or rescan options. Where are they?





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Are these features in current versions? I'm running 0.9.6 and not finding much in the way of file/folder management or rescan options. Where are they?


"Rescan Folders" feature has been improved in the latest Daminion version, but we continue to improve it its performance will be drastically improved for renamed folders/files on the upcoming Daminion versions.


Improving "File/Folder Management" in our future plans.

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Could you please send me a screen recorded video?


What sort of outside file/folder/metadata changes are not reflected by Daminion?


Did you click on the Refresh button after rescan was finished?


Sorry, but where is the 'Folder Rescan' button. I am using the standalone version.


I have created a separate catalog for each folder i.e. pics, videos, music, work etc.


Now when I add files to these folders, the catalog does not reflect the additions when I load it.

I have to use the 'add file' option to add the respective folder again to the corresponding catalog to reflect the changes.

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