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BatchRename(move)... - wrong error message


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Example: there are some "old" AVI files and its sidecar files in the "folder-A"
1. export these AVI files to "folder-B"
2. convert these AVI files in "folder-B" to MP4. The MP4 files have the same file names as the AVI files and the MP4 files have new sidecar XMP files now
3. Menu->Edit->BatchRename(move) - move the MP4 files to the "folder-A" 

Error message that the MP4 files already exist. This message is wrong - the XMP sidecar file is already existing

4. the MP4 files are moved to "folder-A" and removed from "folder-B"
5. the sidecar files of the MP4 files are not moved together with their MP4 files from "folder-B" to "folder-A" because there are already existing the "old" sidecar files (with the same file name) of the AVI files. And this is the reason of the wrong error message.

Final status: in "folder-A" are the AVI + XMP sidecar files and the MP4 files without their sidecar XMP files. The XMP sidecar files of the MP4 files remain in "folder-B" without any relations to their MP4 files. In "folder-A" click "Show all metadata" on the MP4 file - you get the XMP medatada of the AVI sidecar file (because of the same file name).

6. delete the AVI files - also their XMP sidecar files are deleted
7. select the MP4 files and "Write tags to file" to get back the sidecar files for the MP4 files
8. It's not possible to have files + XMP sidecar with the same file name but different file type in the same folder 

Regards, Uwe

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