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Attempting to customize search for Duplicates


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So I click Duplicates search under Saved Searches, then go up to middle of top screen area and click Advanced, so that I can add in special requests , like just search for duplicates in jpeg format,etc..

All that pops up is Everywhere>contains> and the search term is blank.


Should I attempt to add any extra search terms, it proceeds as if I am making a completely new search, and the check circle next to Duplicates search becomes unchecked.


Curious if anyone has found a work around? Or what term Daminion considers for searching DUPLICATES.



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Hi ShadeWalker,


Currently it is not possible to perform a cross-search between Duplcates and other Tags. There are only two predefined searches under Saved Searches which allow you to perfom a cross-search: Geo-tagged and No GPS-Coordinates.


This is the registered feature #4242. I've just raised its priority.


Kind regards,


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