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Similar keywords/tags


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First off, sorry if this topic has been already discussed (in which case please kindly refer to the respective thread). I tried to make a quick search and didn't find the response to my question.


When I keyword my photos, one of the ways to do that is to collect (harvest) keywords from various sources (microstock sites, vocabularies, etc.), copy-paste them into Daminion and then manually eliminate/delete the non-relevant keywords. Although Daminion automatically eliminates the 100% identical keywords (duplicates) in the Properties Panel/Description, it doesn't do so with respect to different forms of the same word, e.g. "cloud", "clouds", "cloudscape", etc. Normally I would prefer to leave only one keyword which covers all other forms (in this example "cloudscape" covers all other forms of the word).


If there a way to automate this in Daminion, e.g. to highlight the similar keywords, or even eliminate them automatically as with 100% identical keywords?


Many thanks for your suggestions!

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Daminion supports synonyms for some tags like Keywords, Categories, etc. You can handle them by right clicking on a tag (one by one)


What I can a suggest you is to import or make your own controlled vocabulary or buy Controlled Vocabulary for Daminion from http://controlledvocabulary.com. And import it into Daminion.


Now every time when you assign a keywork let's say Cloud to an image, all its synonyms also will be assigned. And you need to assign a master keyword only.

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Now every time when you assign a keywork let's say Cloud to an image, all its synonyms also will be assigned. And you need to assign a master keyword only.




Thank you for your quick response. I will investigate further the possibilities of controlled vocabularies, however, I think that there's a little misunderstanding in what I'm looking for with Daminion.


Instead of populating all synonyms/other grammar forms of one word from the vocabulary ("cloud" --> "clouds" + "cloudscape" + "cloudscapes" + "cloudview" + etc.), I want to exactly avoid this and instead limit all similar words to one word ("clouds", "cloudscape", "cloud",... --> "cloudscapes"). This is so because many microstock agencies where I submit my photos limit the maximum number of keywords allowed (e.g. 50) and at the same time use a search system whereby a keyword "cloudscapes" would return results with photos including all possible forms of "cloud"-word, e.g. "cloud", "clouds", "cloudscape", and not only "cloudscapes".


Therefore, I'm looking for a quick and efficient way to eliminate all forms of one word from the Properties/Description panel in Daminion, instead of manually looking through, identifying and deleting the similar words.


Would be great if you have any further suggestions. Thank you!

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