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"Item – Export" results in program freeze


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Totally repeatable on my machine.


Select one photo

Select menu “Item/Export to/ Copy to Folder”

Select (JPEG Original Size, JPEG 1024, and Original Format tried) any output option?

Select output directory

Select COPY

A small window opens briefly "Transforming Filename.nef" ??

Program freezes in loop with "Exporting (Filename.nef)" window open.


If I try to Cancel, a window pops up “Cancel Export?”. Regardless of which button is selected, the program closes the second window, but nothing happens. Exporting (Filename.nef) windows stays open. I have to use Task Manager to shut the program down.


BTW I notice a greyed out selection on menu Item/Convert. What is the intended function of Convert if Export is used to write files in some other format?

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Six hour turnaround is stunning.


Good news and bad news:


The good news: Item/export now works - does not freeze the computer, and appears to be very fast in it's conversions.


The bad news: The first export, after a Transform Selection change, remembers the previous selection and exports in that format. After that, it exports in the selected format.


To repeat:


- Item/export/copy to directory

- Note what the previously selected transform was

- select JPEG 1600 or anything different than what it was.

- OK

- It exports the previously selected format.


Do it again:


- Item/export/copy to directory

- select JPEG 320

- OK

- It exports JPEG 1600 or whatever was selected in the previous trial above.


Do it again, leaving JPEG 320 selected, it exports JPEG 320

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