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Adding files that already exist on the server


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I have 50000 file on the machine that will serve as a server. How can I add them to the catalog without having to move or copy them or upload them. I just want to import the images and their metadata but leave them where they are. This is easy to do in the stand alone version but how to do it on a server?



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Tested, got part of my files imported by using a shared path. After that try to relink indication the actual local path to the local disk and got this message


security of the user running the server has full access to the local folder.

last entries in the log:

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:38:06,887 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:38:06,888 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64112)

2013-08-27 21:38:17,022 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64113)

2013-08-27 21:38:17,025 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:38:17,027 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:38:17,029 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64113)

2013-08-27 21:38:25,817 [26] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.RelinkFolderCommand [(null)] - Start: (64114)

2013-08-27 21:38:25,819 [26] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select ID, Value, HelperValue, ParentValueId, IndexedTagId, SortOrder, IsGroup, HasChilds, IsDefaultValue, HierarchyLevel, Id_Icon from Folder_Table where Id = @Id (@Id=31)

2013-08-27 21:38:25,820 [26] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select Id, Value from Folder_Table where ParentValueId = 0 and Value ILIKE @Value (@Value=M:%)

2013-08-27 21:38:25,823 [26] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select ID, Value, HelperValue, ParentValueId, IndexedTagId, SortOrder, IsGroup, HasChilds, IsDefaultValue, HierarchyLevel, Id_Icon from Folder_Table where (Value = @Value or Upper(Value) = @UpperValue) and ParentValueId = @ParentValueId (@UpperValue=M:\FOTO_BACKUP\ORIGINAL, @Value=M:\Foto_Backup\Original, @ParentValueId=0)

2013-08-27 21:38:25,824 [26] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - insert into Folder_Table (Value, HelperValue, ParentValueId, IndexedTagId, SortOrder, IsGroup, HasChilds, IsDefaultValue, HierarchyLevel, Id_Icon) values (@Value, @HelperValue, @ParentValueId, @IndexedTagId, @SortOrder, @IsGroup, @HasChilds, @IsDefaultValue, @HierarchyLevel, @Id_Icon); select lastval();; select lastval(); (@Value=M:\Foto_Backup\Original, @HelperValue=M:\Foto_Backup\Original, @ParentValueId=0, @IndexedTagId=1, @SortOrder=0, @IsGroup=False, @HasChilds=False, @IsDefaultValue=False, @HierarchyLevel=0, @Id_Icon=)

2013-08-27 21:38:25,827 [26] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - insert into Folder_Tree values (@Parent, @Child) (@Parent=509, @Child=509)

2013-08-27 21:38:25,831 [26] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - UPDATE Folder_Table SET Value = Replace(Value, @OldPath, @NewPath) WHERE Id in (select Child from Folder_Tree where Parent = @OldFolderId) (@OldFolderId=31, @OldPath=\\AAL-PC\Foto_Backup\Original, @NewPath=M:\Foto_Backup\Original)

2013-08-27 21:38:25,838 [26] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - CREATE TABLE temp_fp_e7359cfaf55d4663ad3ab76bc4736818 (

FileId bigint NOT NULL,

Path text NOT NULL);



2013-08-27 21:38:25,846 [26] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - insert into temp_fp_e7359cfaf55d4663ad3ab76bc4736818 select m.Id_File, ft.Value from Folder_File f join Folder_Tree t on f.ID_Value = t.Child join Folder_Table ft on ft.Id = f.ID_Value join MediaItems m on m.Id = f.Id_MediaItem where t.Parent = @Id (@Id=31)

2013-08-27 21:38:25,925 [26] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - update Files set OfflineFilePath = (select Path from temp_fp_e7359cfaf55d4663ad3ab76bc4736818 where FileId = Files.Id), RelativePath = (select Replace(Path, @NewAbsolutePath, @NewRelativePath) from temp_fp_e7359cfaf55d4663ad3ab76bc4736818 where FileId = Files.Id) where exists (select FileId from temp_fp_e7359cfaf55d4663ad3ab76bc4736818 where FileId = Files.Id) (@NewAbsolutePath=M:\Foto_Backup\Original, @NewRelativePath=)

2013-08-27 21:38:27,162 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64115)

2013-08-27 21:38:28,162 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:38:28,172 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:38:28,174 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64115)

2013-08-27 21:38:37,302 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64116)

2013-08-27 21:38:37,305 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:38:37,307 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:38:37,310 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64116)

2013-08-27 21:38:45,970 [26] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - DROP TABLE temp_fp_e7359cfaf55d4663ad3ab76bc4736818; ()

2013-08-27 21:38:45,973 [26] ERROR PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.RelinkFolderCommand [(null)] - Error: (64114)


current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

Severity: ERROR

Code: 25P02

at Npgsql.NpgsqlState.<ProcessBackendResponses_Ver_3>d__a.MoveNext() in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlState.cs:line 839

at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextResponseObject() in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlDataReader.cs:line 1163

at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextRowDescription() in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlDataReader.cs:line 1181

at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.NextResult() in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlDataReader.cs:line 1367

at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader..ctor(IEnumerable`1 dataEnumeration, CommandBehavior behavior, NpgsqlCommand command, NotificationThreadBlock threadBlock, Boolean synchOnReadError) in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlDataReader.cs:line 1030

at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.GetReader(CommandBehavior cb) in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlCommand.cs:line 591

at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlCommand.cs:line 495

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.DbCommandWrapper.ExecuteNonQuery() in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.DB\DbCommandWrapper.cs:line 41

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.TemporaryTables.DeleteTemporaryTable(String tempTableName) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\Helper\TemporaryTables.cs:line 47

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.FixPathInFileTableWithTemporatyTable.Do(Int64 id, String absolutePath) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\Helper\FixPathInFileTableWithTemporatyTable.cs:line 100

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.RelinkFolderCommand.Treat(DbConnection connection) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\Command\RelinkFolderCommand.cs:line 108

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.DatabaseCommandWithResult`1.Start(DbConnection connection) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\Command\DatabaseCommandWIthResult.cs:line 32

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.DbCommandExecutor.ExecWithTransaction(Execute execDelegate, IDatabaseEnvironment databaseEnvironment, DbConnection connection, Boolean processErrorHandler) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.DB\DbCommandExecutor.cs:line 55

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.DbCommandExecutor.ExecWithTransaction(Execute execDelegate, IDatabaseEnvironment databaseEnvironment, Boolean processErrorHandler) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.DB\DbCommandExecutor.cs:line 23

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.DbCommandExecutor.ExecWithTransaction(Execute execDelegate, IDatabaseEnvironment databaseEnvironment) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.DB\DbCommandExecutor.cs:line 14

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.DatabaseCommand.StartWithTransaction() in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\DatabaseCommand.cs:line 107

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.DatabaseCommand.Process() in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\DatabaseCommand.cs:line 40

2013-08-27 21:38:45,974 [26] ERROR PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.RelinkFolderCommand [(null)] - Npgsql.NpgsqlException:

current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

Severity: ERROR

Code: 25P02

at Npgsql.NpgsqlState.<ProcessBackendResponses_Ver_3>d__a.MoveNext() in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlState.cs:line 839

at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextResponseObject() in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlDataReader.cs:line 1163

at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextRowDescription() in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlDataReader.cs:line 1181

at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.NextResult() in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlDataReader.cs:line 1367

at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader..ctor(IEnumerable`1 dataEnumeration, CommandBehavior behavior, NpgsqlCommand command, NotificationThreadBlock threadBlock, Boolean synchOnReadError) in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlDataReader.cs:line 1030

at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.GetReader(CommandBehavior cb) in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlCommand.cs:line 591

at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() in C:\projects\Npgsql2\src\Npgsql\NpgsqlCommand.cs:line 495

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.DbCommandWrapper.ExecuteNonQuery() in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.DB\DbCommandWrapper.cs:line 41

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.TemporaryTables.DeleteTemporaryTable(String tempTableName) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\Helper\TemporaryTables.cs:line 47

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.FixPathInFileTableWithTemporatyTable.Do(Int64 id, String absolutePath) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\Helper\FixPathInFileTableWithTemporatyTable.cs:line 100

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.RelinkFolderCommand.Treat(DbConnection connection) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\Command\RelinkFolderCommand.cs:line 108

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.DatabaseCommandWithResult`1.Start(DbConnection connection) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\Command\DatabaseCommandWIthResult.cs:line 32

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.DbCommandExecutor.ExecWithTransaction(Execute execDelegate, IDatabaseEnvironment databaseEnvironment, DbConnection connection, Boolean processErrorHandler) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.DB\DbCommandExecutor.cs:line 55

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.DbCommandExecutor.ExecWithTransaction(Execute execDelegate, IDatabaseEnvironment databaseEnvironment, Boolean processErrorHandler) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.DB\DbCommandExecutor.cs:line 23

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.DbCommandExecutor.ExecWithTransaction(Execute execDelegate, IDatabaseEnvironment databaseEnvironment) in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.DB\DbCommandExecutor.cs:line 14

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.DatabaseCommand.StartWithTransaction() in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\DatabaseCommand.cs:line 107

at PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.DatabaseCommand.Process() in c:\DaminionAuto\Code\Service.Utils.Uni\DatabaseCommand.cs:line 40

2013-08-27 21:38:47,442 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64117)

2013-08-27 21:38:47,445 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:38:47,447 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:38:47,448 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64117)

2013-08-27 21:38:56,568 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64118)

2013-08-27 21:38:56,572 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:38:56,574 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:38:56,575 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64118)

2013-08-27 21:39:06,707 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64119)

2013-08-27 21:39:06,710 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:39:06,711 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:39:06,713 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64119)

2013-08-27 21:39:16,850 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64120)

2013-08-27 21:39:16,852 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:39:16,854 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:39:16,855 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64120)

2013-08-27 21:39:26,988 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64121)

2013-08-27 21:39:26,991 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:39:26,993 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:39:26,995 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64121)

2013-08-27 21:39:37,128 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64122)

2013-08-27 21:39:37,131 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:39:37,132 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:39:37,134 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64122)

2013-08-27 21:39:47,268 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64123)

2013-08-27 21:39:47,271 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:39:47,273 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:39:47,274 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64123)

2013-08-27 21:39:57,408 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64124)

2013-08-27 21:39:57,411 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:39:57,413 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:39:57,414 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64124)

2013-08-27 21:40:06,534 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - Start: (64125)

2013-08-27 21:40:06,537 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - select count(*), sum(case when Offline or Processed then 0 else 1 end)

from (select distinct s.ID_MediaItem as ID_MediaItem, m.Deleted, f.Offline, s.Processed

from Synchronize s

left join MediaItems m on (s.ID_MediaItem = m.Id)

left join Files f on (s.ID_File = f.Id)) vv ()

2013-08-27 21:40:06,538 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG SQL [(null)] - delete from Synchronize where Id in (select s.Id from Synchronize s left join MediaItems m on s.Id_MediaItem = m.Id where m.Deleted) ()

2013-08-27 21:40:06,540 [sTP SmartThreadPool Thread #1] DEBUG PicaJet.Daminion.Service.Utils.GetSynchronizeStateCommand [(null)] - End: (64125)

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Well I tried version 900 and applied the postgress config as suggested. And the relinking went quick and it looked like everything was OK.

However today, the day after, I opened Daminion client, and all thumbnails indicate that the files are not present.

The folder name in the properties is correct and the files are on the disk.

This problem also occurs with a client on another machine than the server.




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The problem might be because your Daminion Server log on user doesn't have enough permissions to see these files.


You can launch your Daminion Admin panel and check this.


If all is Ok with Daminion Server user permissions please drop me a message when you will be ready for a TV session.

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