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Full Screen view orientation problem


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Item 1:

I just realized that my original posting was not too clear on exactly what the problem is.


When I rotate the screen, Daminion full screen image view rotates correctly, but the scaling on the image/window does not adjust for the new "screen size". The Properties window does not re-scale either.


When I rotate the screen in Filmstrip view, the image scaling does not immediately adjust, but it does re-scale correctly on the next image. (See Item 3 below for a description of this issue.)


It appears that the full screen view remembers the "screen size" when full screen view is used for the first time after startup. If the screen is rotated before full screen view is used, it opens correctly.


Yes, if I re-start Daminion the fullscreen image/window rescales for the correct "Screen size".



Item 2:

Another Fullscreen startup oddity:


If I start Daminion, and have the Properties and Catalog tags windows closed in thumbnails view, and double click an image to get to fullscreen view, the properties window opens, but indicates that "No files are selected". I can toggle back and forth between thumbnails and full screen without this changing.


If I open the Properties window in thumbnails and go back to fullscreen view, the properties window is populated with data. I can subsequently close Properties in thumbnails, and the full screen view still shows the Properties window populated with data.


Item 3:

A possibly related issue I noticed while writing this. Without doing any screen rotations:


From filmstrip view, if I click on "Show Desktop" (Windows 7 Professional), and then return to Daminion, (either by clicking the show desktop button or the Daminion icon on the taskbar) the bottom right quadrant of the image is displayed in the upper left portion of the image display area. If I do it again (Show Desktop, return to Daminion), the upper left portion of the image appears in the lower right corner of the window. I can toggle back and forth as often as I like. When I advance to the next image, it scales correctly.


"Show Desktop" has no apparent impact on the fullscreen rotation/scaling problem above.



Item 4:

While doing the testing to write this reply I also noticed that Daminion will shut down consistently if I :


Shut Daminion down in Thumbnail view.

Start Daminion in thumbnail view and then, without selecting a photo, immediately switch from Thumbnail view to Filmstrip view. If I select a photo, filmstrip view starts correctly.


For future reference; when I have a list of issues such as this, would you prefer that I post as one message, or as separate postings?



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Thanks Peter for detailed description of the issues.


2, 3, 4 issues fixed. Regarding first issue please tell me that does it mean "When I rotate the screen"?


For future reference; when I have a list of issues such as this, would you prefer that I post as one message, or as separate postings?


As you wish. You can group some issues to one topic if they close.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am currently running version 0.8.6 build 419


Going back to my posting of Aug 31, I have checked the issues I reported then.


Issue 1 is still not fixed. Daminion remembers the orientation of the screen the first time full screen view is used after startup, and continues to use the scaling for that orientation for full screen view if the screen is subsequently rotated. I will forward a couple of screen captures to support.


This issue no longer affects filmstrip view. It works perfectly.


Issue 2 is fixed

Issue 3 is fixed.

Issue 4 is still not fixed.

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I am currently running version 0.8.6 build 419


Going back to my posting of Aug 31, I have checked the issues I reported then.


Issue 1 is still not fixed. Daminion remembers the orientation of the screen the first time full screen view is used after startup, and continues to use the scaling for that orientation for full screen view if the screen is subsequently rotated. I will forward a couple of screen captures to support.


This issue no longer affects filmstrip view. It works perfectly.


Yes. The problem still there. I've added it to our bug-tracking system.


Issue 4 is still not fixed.


I am unable to reproduce the issue (I've checked with 419 build). Could you please provide mode detailed steps or send me a small video.


Here is a small screen capture tool:


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Thanks for the video. Could you please launch Daminion and Press F12. Then close Daminion and switch to the appeared (after pressing F12) window. Rename 1.0 folder to 1.0b and restart Daminion. Does the problem still there?


If no, please zip the 1.0b folder and send it to me by email to analyze.



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On re-start, Daminion opens the Import Files Wizard.


Should I import my standard catalog or cancel and ad files to it's default catalog, or something else.


I will just leave the window open till I get your response.




Close the Import Files Wizard, then locate your previous catalog on a disk and open it.

Then please repeat the steps that invoked the error.

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The problem still exists.


I tried swapping back and forth between catalogs.


The problem resets when a new catalog is opened, but after each catalog has been opened, and a file is viewed full screen, the program remembers the screen orientation, even when that catalog is reopened later. The "Memory" goes away when the program is restarted,


Start Daminion

Screen in landscape

Open catalog 1

View photo full screen - OK (But Catalog 1 - Landscape is remembered)

Rotate screen to portrait

Open photo full screen - it scales for landscape.

Open catalog 2

Open a photo full screen - OK (But Catalog 2 - Portrait is remembered)

Rotate screen to landscape

Open photo full screen - it scales for portrait

Rotate screen back to portrait

Open catalog 1

View photo full screen - scales for landscape (remembered from step 4)



Re-opening Catalog 1 did not reset orientation.

The two catalogs were created with different versions of Daminion

Catalog 1 0.8.5

Catalog 2 0.8.6

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