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[779] No meta data added when exporting


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Thank you for clearing up the issue with moving/replacing files and meta data read/write (including size). Everything works like a charm!


But I have encountered another problem that is very annoying. Whenever you export files and change their type or size, no meta data is written into the new file. If I export the original I get all the data, but not otherwise.


This goes hand-in-hand with the request I made last year about exporting meta data as a csv or txt file. Currently there is no easy way to get all the data associated with files out of Daminion when I don't export the originals. But even if the meta data writing while reducing the file size or changing the type would start working, it is still very hard to use those files when doing research or using them with a project. If I could get a csv/txt with description and all the rest of the info while exporting, I could use the file to get an overview easier. (As I have mentioned I work on the digital archive of an art museum) Have you thought about including this?


All the best!

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We'll add an option to apply metadata for exporting images very soon (RC3 or ... not sure about RC2 but it's quite possible...)


We are collecting requests for adding an option to import/export tags to CSV file, and this feature will be included into out scheduler soon.

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